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Shorter School Days 縮短上學時數-空中英語教室
2024/05/09 15:18:13瀏覽25|回應0|推薦0
Shorter School Days 縮短上學時數(上)
hello there and welcome to studio classroom
my name is Gabe and i’m Ann Marie thanks
for joining us today friends
well Ann Marie
our lesson today is about school days
and the length of school days in particular
so when you were growing up
what time did school start and finish for you
oh well
i was homeschooled在家自學 for most of the time
when i was growing up and school would usually start around 7
30 or 8 in the morning
and then it would just depend on how long
it took me to get my school work done
and if i had any outside activities or classes
i had to go to
but usually i was done with my school work around 3 or 4 pm wow
so it actually took roughly the same amount of time
as if you were going to another school
like a public school or private school
yeah it had a lot more going on during the day you know
in junior high in high school
i had a job
so sometimes i would have to go to my job at the same time
i had to get my school work done or babysit
my siblings during the day
so it just kind of depended on what time everything ended well
that is quite a different life than the one i had growing up
wow but i kind of imagine like if you’re homeschool
like if you’re homeschool
you know parent
it’s kind of hard to remain consistent
but you guys you started at seven thirty or eight every day
yeah that’s right well
that’s pretty good
pretty good on your parents
you know for me
i did go to a traditional school growing up
and we started for the school that was in most of the time
it started at 8 o’clock
it ended around 3 10 there was one school
i went to for one semester in the United States
it started at 7 17 that’s so early
and it’s such a weird time
but it was a way for people to remember okay
this is an odd time
so you’re gonna remember to get here on time i guess anyway
but school ended roughly around three or four as well
what time does school begin and end for you
and should school days be shorter
that’s what our lesson is going to talk about
so let’s get right into it
shorter school days
would students benefit from shorter school days
as they are dropping off their kids at school
Emma runs into Brad
they stop to talk before leaving the school area
so what do you think about the school
boards proposal to make the school day shorter next year
shorter school days could reduce some of the stress
the kids are experiencing
they’re in school about seven hours a day
and they still have homework at night
hello everyone
welcome to language lab
i’m Jack我们先来看动词
the small local businesses in the area
would benefit greatly from community support
或是regular exercise benefits not only physical health
but also mental wellbeing
students benefit from hands on learning experiences
the budget proposal that was submitted by the committee
to the CEO was not accepted
or the ship human resources suggested some proposals
to several departments
to make them more efficient
比如when Louis said yes to Blair’s marriage proposal
she made him very happy
thank you very much Jack
well friends
would students benefit from shorter school days
that is the question
and when i first read this lesson
the first question i had in my mind was well
i don’t know but we should have less homework for sure oh
so you think schools maybe don’t have to have a shorter day
but maybe should have less homework
that’s how i always felt when i was in school wow
okay because i had different teachers of course when
you’re in junior
high in high school
you have different teachers with different subjects
and it seems like each teacher forgets that they’re not
the only one who is assigning you homework
and sometimes
they assign you like two or three hours worth of homework
each night and then add to that the other subjects
it’s like you’re up all night that is a lot of homework well
friends this is a what’s your opinion article
so we are going to look at two characters
today discussing this issue of having a shorter school day
what is better for kids
what are some pros and cons
so let’s meet our two characters here in this first section
we read as they are dropping off their kids at school
Emma runs into Brad
so our characters are Emma and Brad
we have a couple of phrases here
that we could use we see the phrase to drop someone off
i drop my kids off at school in the morning
as well it’s the idea that you take someone
somewhere and leave them there
you could drop someone off at the airport as well
you are not going to travel with them of course
but you are going to bring them to that place
and then you are going to leave
you can do this with things as well
i’ve dropped a package off at your house
the opposite would be to pick someone up
or to pick something up
so this is what you do after school
you pick your kids up after school
so as they’re dropping off their kids at school
m o runs into bread now what does it mean to run into someone
that means you encounter them or you happen to meet them
while you were out that’s right
and this is usually not a planned meeting in fact
it isn’t ever a planned meeting
it means that you see them
and you weren’t expecting to
i don’t usually run into my neighbors
because their schedules are so different than mine
i don’t usually see them well
the phrase run into can have a more physical meaning as well
you can literally bump into somebody you ran into them
or if you’re driving your car
we often don’t
we often will use the word run
when talking about crashing into something
for example we’ll often say i ran into the pole for example
when i was driving um
hopefully you don’t run over anybody
that’s another way to use the word run in that sense
but here we’re talking about
just having a chance encounter with someone Emma runs into Brad
they stop to talk before leaving the school area
and what does Emma say well
Emma says so
what do you think about
the school board’s proposal to make the school day shorter
next year now
what is a school board
this can be an organization at the actual school or it could be
a larger organization that oversees a lot of different schools
a school board’s job is to oversee
the education of kids in a certain area
so a school board at a school
would be in charge of that school’s education standards now
we don’t know here
if they’re talking about the school board
for that specific school
or if it’s the school board
that’s looking over all the schools in the whole city
or country that’s talking about making the school days shorter
that’s right
or maybe there’s a school board for a certain school district
right and that’s different from
maybe a less formal group of parents and teachers
who meet to talk about stuff right
that’s right
that would be called the pta or the parent teacher association
these are specifically school based organizations
and they try to make the school
a better place for the kids that go there
this is usually formed from a bunch of parents
who really care about their kids education
and maybe you are involved in a pta in some way well
Brad says shorter school days could reduce some of the stress
the kids are experiencing
they’re in school about seven hours a day
and they still have homework at night again
i think that you could reduce the amount of homework
that you give students sometimes
let’s continue with our lesson right now
shorter school days
i know it’s really a lot but do you think a shorter day would
result in even more homework
teachers won’t be able to cover
as much in class
maybe shorter days
would make covering the curriculum
more difficult that could lead to more stress for them
they would also have less time to work with students
individually to help them
i guess students could stay after school to get extra help
each student was asked to present their project individually
allowing them to show off their understanding and hard work
或是the survey required people to answer
each question individually
so the company could collect more accurate information
a councillor meets with students individually
during her office hours
so they can talk about any concerns
they have辅导员会在他的上班时间
thank you very much Jack
so we read here Emma says i know it’s really a lot okay
so she’s responding to Brad
and his comment about the fact that they’re in school for
so long each day
they have a lot of homework at night
so she says it’s really a lot i could also say
it’s quite a lot right
but it just kind of ends there a lot a lot of what yeah
that’s a great question a lot of what
there’s actually no object necessary in this phrase
because the idea here is that it is a lot to handle this phrase
a lot isn’t specifically referring to a lot of homework
or a lot of time spent in school
rather it means it’s a lot to handle
it’s overbearing
it’s overbearing
and the key thing to remember here
is that you don’t need to add the words to handle
that idea is implied
you could simply say oh
man it is so much it is a lot right
but you think a shorter day would result in even more homework
so do you think a shorter day
would result in even more homework
let’s talk about that phrase to result in something
that means one thing causes something else
it has the result of something else so for example
better study habits often result in better test scores
so we make sure you have good study habits
that’s true
now friends before we move on i want to mention something here
we saw that Brad
said in the last section
that kids are in school about 7 hours a day
so this made me ask
a question are we talking about elementary school or junior
high school or high school
and what country are we talking about
is this talking about the school situation in the United States
our lesson doesn’t really say
and honestly it doesn’t really matter
the idea is that maybe
kids shouldn’t be sitting in a classroom for too long
so no matter where we’re talking about here
this lesson still applies right
that’s a really good point
so this is a great thing for us to discuss
so Emma says teachers won’t be able to cover as much in class
and she’s talking about if there is a shorter school day
that’s one of the disadvantages to having a shorter school day
because teachers like to make the most of their time right
or they should anyway during the class period
and they won’t have as much time to do that
if the school day is actually shorter
Brad says maybe
that could be a possibility
shorter days would make covering the curriculum more difficult
what is curriculum
if you are an educator
you are very familiar with this word
curriculum is the books and the teaching materials that you use
and the plan that you follow when you are teaching a class
so students the curriculum that you have for a certain subject
such as the math
curriculum is
the plan that your teacher is following or the books that he
or she is using to teach you math
and if you’re a teacher
you probably had to study about curriculum development as well
so Brad continues that could lead to more stress for them okay
so this could be difficult for the teachers and students
Emma says they would also
have less time to work with students
individually to help them and maybe
the fact is not all
teachers want to have extra time outside of classes
but i think a lot of teachers do they would like to
have sometimes set apart to help especially
students who may need a little extra help
and you can do that after class
especially if the school day is shorter
that’s right that’s what
Brad says students could stay after school to get extra help
let’s see how this conversation continues right
after today’s infocloud
welcome to infocloud hey
Rex what is the name of that song
you were singing earlier
i know i’ve heard it before
but i’m drawing a blank was i singing earlier
i seem to be drawing a blank too okay well
while we try to remember
let’s talk about that phrase to draw a blank if you draw blank
you forget something
your mind goes blank
or it might happen
when you are trying to come up with a new idea
but you can’t
this expression has been around for a very long time
it was used in the 1500s in relation to a lottery
a lottery is like a lucky draw
but in this draw
some people would get a paper with a prize on it
while others would get a blank piece of paper
it was empty with nothing on it
that means you didn’t get a prize
this lottery system was created by Queen
Elizabeth the first of England
so those who played with hope they didn’t draw a blank
and you probably hope
you don’t draw a blank on your next English test
你可以用今天分享的用语draw a blank
来形容draw a blank字面上是画一个空白
draw a blank
那就可以说i’m drawing a blank
draw plan也可以代表
这就是今天的NFO cloud
shorter school days
so a shorter day for students
would not necessarily mean a shorter day for teachers
probably not
some countries already have shorter school days than we have
in the us and their students are doing really well
so what you’re saying is that longer school days
don’t guarantee students success that’s right is quality
not quantity that’s important which makes sense
譬如there is no guarantee that Joe will win the contest
或者是the stove comes with a three year
譬如the new government
guaranteed that its citizens would have freedom of speech
thank you Jack and friends
i guarantee if you put those words into practice
every day your English will improve
make sure to practice what you’re learning here
at studio classroom well
let’s continue with our conversation here
Emma says so
a shorter day for students
would not necessarily mean a shorter day for teachers
it’s kind of like a question
but it’s not said like a question here
and i would say that
it’s just different quality like for teachers
they’re there all day
but the quality of the time
they have with their students is going to be different
if they are going to spend some time
one on one with students after class
i would say that’s quality time for the teacher
and the student hmm
that’s a good point
let’s talk for a minute about that phrase not necessarily
because i want to make a note here students
that sometimes we use the phrase not necessarily
as a complete sentence
and you can say this in response to other people
when you’re having a conversation
and you want to say well
sometimes that’s true
but often times it isn’t you can say mmm not necessarily
and then you can continue on and tell them
why or why not that isn’t true
it’s kind of like Brad’s response here it’s very short simply
probably not so in other words
it probably won’t be a shorter day for teachers right well
Emma says
some countries already have shorter school days than we have
in the us and their students are doing really well
yes i’ve heard of different countries around the world
that have shorter school days
and the teachers give a lot less homework
but somehow the students perform actually better
and there we have it here friends
that they are talking about schools in the us
i’m not sure
if all schools in the us are on a 7 hour school day now
think there are a lot of different kinds of schools
these days that parents can choose from
but Brad answers
Emma by saying so what you’re saying is that longer school days
don’t guarantee student success
there’s a couple things
that we want to mention about this sentence first
i want to mention the way this sentence ends
as you can see it ends with a period
he is saying this sentence as a statement
but you could say it as a question as well
if you want the other person to continue explaining what
they just said so what you’re saying is that longer school days
don’t guarantee student success the inflection is different
so the meaning also changes slightly
and this is a good
example of a clarifying question you want clarity
that’s why you ask a question in this way
it’s a good way to start that kind of question
so what you’re saying
is well Emma says that’s right it’s quality not quantity
that’s important and that’s usually true
so that’s why
she says that makes sense well
right now it’s time for today’s fun fact
hello fact
friends i’m detective
Ernest finder
and i have a fun fact for you
today did you know
that Thailand has one of the longest school days in the world
nine point five hours long kids are in school for almost
the whole time they are awake who has the shortest school day
you might ask well
Finland has the shortest school day with four hour days
so if your kid asks you to move
they might ask you to move to Finland
and that is today’s fun fact
thank you very much Ernest finder and now
it is time for a quiz
close your magazine
fill in the blank this is a preposition test
ammo runs into Brad
as they are dropping blank their kids at school dropping up
dropping down
dropping off or dropping out their kids at school well
you wouldn’t want to drop out of school
that means you would leave school and not go back no
they are dropping off their kids at school that’s right
the dropping off their kids at school and at the end of the day
they’re probably going to that’s right
pick up their kids from school
we do have more to learn from their conversation next time
so be sure to join us right here on studio

Shorter School Days 縮短上學時數(下)
hello there and welcome to studio classroom
my name is Gabe and i’m Ann Marie
thanks for joining us today friends
we are in the middle of a lesson
called shorter school days
after learning a little bit from our conversation with Emma
and Brad yesterday
what do you think about the idea of having shorter school days
because they’re discussing some of the pros and cons
that’s right
Brad was saying that school days
could relieve some of the pressure that students have
but it could make things harder for teachers
they might have a problem covering the curriculum
and so students may have to stay after school
and perhaps
teachers could spend a little more one on one time with certain
students who actually need the extra help that could be good
because Emma does talk about the idea quality
being more important than the quantity time
that you have during the day
with all of your students in class
what do you think about this
so far we do have more to learn
and today is a great day to learn something new
so let’s do that together
shorter school days
so do you think a shorter school day would be a good thing
it would permit more students to participate in sports or music
or other extracurricular activities
true less time in school
would allow students the freedom to pursue other interests
or they could spend more time with friends and family
or just relax
hey everyone welcome to language lab
i’m Jack我们先来看permit这个动词
例如the teacher does not permit
students to use their cellphones during class
或是the company permits its employees to start work
anytime between seven and ten am
比如the hikers had to get a permit to hike
and camp in the national park
thank you very much Jack
so Brad says here
so do you think a shorter school day would be a good thing
and often we use that phrase a good thing
in general to talk about how something
may have advantages or benefits
or maybe where the pros would outweigh the cons
of course
there might be a negative side to something but in general
it’s a good thing that’s right
this phrase a good thing is something
you can say to your friends as well
maybe the thing that they’re going to do has some pros and cons
but you could say to them hey
that sounds like a good thing
or maybe they think that something is actually really positive
but you see another side or aspect of something so you
could say it actually could be a bad thing right
so you want to think more about something
or consider it more before
you actually make a decision well
Brad says you think a shorter school day would be a good thing
that’s a well
it would permit more students to participate in sports or music
or other extracurricular activities
that is Emma’s response the word permit
here is kind of like the word allow okay
it would allow students to be more flexible with the other time
they have in their day
and they can participate in things like sports and music
when you’re participating in something
that means you’re joining in some way
you’re not just observing
there’s a difference between being an observer at an event
like if you’re just watching a sports event from the sides
and actually participating in it
do you want to participate in the group game
do you want to do it with us
or do you just want to observe and watch
those are two different things
i’m curious
Anne Marie was participation points a thing in your home
school years
not really because you’re forced to participate all the time
you are and my scores and grades were all based off of state
mandated tests
so i didn’t really get the benefit of any kind of participation
awards or participation points
you know some teachers in class
they’ll actually grade on your participation
throughout the semester right that’ll
actually be part of your score what do you think about that
i think it’s actually a good thing
because it encourages students to participate
in not simply learn the material for their tests
but actually to get involved during class time
it is very important to learn how to do that
and overcome shyness
or a lot of you right participate
so the idea here is participating in sports or music
or other extracurricular activities
extra often means outside of
so outside of the normal curriculum
these are extracurricular activities
and there are many extracurricular activities
you can do in school right
you could play music or join a sports team
you could be a part of the chess club or the debate team
as well
those would all be considered extracurricular activities so yeah
when i was in high school in particular
i remember
joining the basketball team as well as doing a lot of drama
so those were two kinds of extracurricular activities
that i really enjoyed well
Brad says less time in school
would allow students the freedom to pursue
other interests
or they could spend more time with friends and family
or just relax i like that
i like that he mentions this because sometimes people think oh
during the day
you have to spend your time
doing something that has educational value
you’re learning something new all the time
and i agree we should be learning something new all the time
but we shouldn’t
underestimate the idea that it’s very valuable
just to spend time with friends and family
and relaxing as well well friends
let’s continue learning from this conversation right now
shorter school days
i just think about how i’m going to juggle
the schedules at my house
both my husband
and i work until five o’clock
if the kids get out in the early afternoon
what do they do
we can’t pick them up until after five o’clock
some kids can stay home alone that can be a recipe for trouble
Leonard is juggling school
his job and time with his family right now
例如the nurse juggled some of the doctor’s appointments
so that i could get in to see him
或者是Don’t trust those sales
figures as team is very good at juggling numbers
譬如my mom’s recipe for stir fried beef
and broccoli is delicious
或者是what recipe book
did you get this cake recipe from
再来看一句leaving those three girls at home alone
all evening is a recipe for disaster
thank you so much Jack
and yes
recipe for disaster is how i often use this phrase
because something could be cause for something terrible
and that is another way of saying it’s a recipe for disaster
that’s right
we often use this phrase when it is something negative right
a recipe for trouble a recipe for disaster
let’s keep reading
here and find out what can be a recipe for trouble
Emma says at the beginning of this section
i just think about how i’m going to juggle
the schedules at my house now
i often have this problem as well
when i have things like scheduling conflicts
between work and family life
a scheduling conflict is when you have two things booked
or scheduled at the same time
and we can’t be in two places at once
so scheduling conflicts are something that could happen
if students have shorter school days
when i was in college
we would talk about being overcommitted like oh sorry
i over committed that means i committed to too many things
and one of my professors corrected me one time
and said no you didn’t over commit you overscheduled
that means you schedule too many things at the same time
and that’s kind of your problem
so you should
think about your boundaries
what you can afford to
commit to both with your time and emotionally
but also think about your schedule that is your time
what do you
actually have time to do
make sure that you’re not double
booked scheduling things at the same time that’s right
and here’s emma’s scheduling conflict
both my husband and i work until 5
that is 5 pm if the kids get out in the early afternoon
what do they do now
we see that phrase to get out there and of course
that can mean leave but that’s not exactly what it means here
it means get out of school that means their school day is ending
that’s right what time do you get out of school
you could ask that to somebody who goes to a different school
for example maybe it’s a little
bit different
and the opposite would be to go to school in the morning
or what time does school start right
so if the kids get out in the early afternoon
what do they do
that’s a good question
we can’t pick them up until after 5 o’clock
this is a dilemma
or a problem that parents will have to deal with
if school days are shorter
and i think that
childcare is a big issue and a lot of places around the world
but in many different cultures
if there are two working parents
and maybe there isn’t family around what do families do
for childcare
especially of young children
this is a question that many societies are trying to solve
many families have to go through this in their day to day life
as well so it is a valid question
i mean i remember after i got out of school in high school
around 3 00 or 3 10 sometimes i would go straight home
and my parents wouldn’t be home yet
and so i’d have a couple hours
sometimes just to myself to do homework or do whatever
i wanted to do
and i didn’t think it was unusual
but it could be a concern for a lot of people
Brad says some kids can stay home alone
like i did right Emma says that can be a recipe for trouble
and as we were sharing earlier
as you learned in the language lab
that could be a recipe for disaster that’s right
and i think that they’re saying this
because it really depends on the age of the kid right
of course if someone is in high school
maybe they can stay home alone no problem
but preschoolers or elementary age kids
they can’t really do that yet well
we do have more to learn after today’s infocloud
hello friends
welcome to infocloud Garrett
do you still remember your childhood phone number
wow i would have to rack my brain to remember it
when you are having trouble remembering something
or when you are thinking very hard about something you
can use the phrase to wreck your brain
think of your brain as a store with racks and racks of magazines
maybe there is a certain magazine or article you want to find
but it could take you some time to search
through all the racks to get the right magazine
that mental picture
is a great way to remember the phrase
rack your brain
for example
he’s racking his brain to remember where he parked his car
or i always have to rack my brain for my computer password
one thing to note is that you might
sometimes see an alternative spelling of the word
rack that’s right
it is sometimes spelled with a w at the beginning W R a C K
but the meaning
and pronunciation
are the same
next time instead of racking your brain to remember
something important
try writing it down
今天介绍的用语rack your brain
he’s racking his brain to remember where he parked this car
rack your brain就可以代表想破头
除了rack r a C k之外
你可以用另外一个字rack w r a C k
rack your brain发音和意思都是一样的
这就是今天的INFO cloud
shorter school days
and some kids are too young to stay home alone
i guess the school would need to provide after school programs
and will we have to pay extra for those programs
that’s another expense for families
if there are creative activities in the programs
i wouldn’t mind
but i don’t want to just pay for babysitting kids
may as well be in school well
in any case i plan to attend the school board meeting
and hear their reasoning
i think i will to
譬如if you can’t figure a problem out
ask Sheldon because he is extremely creative and helpful
或者是did you learn a lot in your creative writing class
或者是the sales team came up
with a creative solution to the marketing challenge
Jack and friends think of a creative way to use that new word
you just learned well
Brad says some kids are too young to stay home alone
i would add legally right
it’s actually illegal to leave kids here
i think it’s under the age of 7 to leave them at home alone
it’s illegal to do that
but it’s even recommended that you don’t leave kids under the
age of 12 alone
so what’s the response to that
i guess the school would need to provide after school programs
Emma said and would we have to pay extra for those programs
or is this something that
the school is going to provide
that’s another expense for families now
what is an expense
yes it is something that you have to pay for
but we usually use the term expense
when we’re thinking about daily life or things
that are required for families to operate for example
rent food and transportation
are all expenses that my family has to pay
and sometimes we talk about something being at someone’s expense
so that means somebody had to pay for that thing
we often use this in other situations
as well maybe someone is joking around regular jokes are fine
but sometimes we joke around at somebody else’s expense
that means we’re joking probably about that person in a way
that makes that person look bad in a way
they’re paying for that
joke that we are saying
so we’re joking around at their expense
it’s not a nice thing to do that’s a really great point
but it sounds like here
that Brad
doesn’t mind the extra expense of an after school program
he says if there are creative activities in the programs
i wouldn’t mind now
i wouldn’t mind is a great phrase
that we can use when answering someone else
as well it means that you’re not bothered
by something that’s right
i wouldn’t mind doing something
or i really don’t mind doing this right
i could do it
i like that Brad suggests
these creative activities in the programs right
i do think it’s important to try to get some educational value
if you’re at school or on school grounds
and that’s the idea when i see this word
creative is that you’re going to learn something new
even if it’s not with your regular classes
even a dance class you’re going to learn new dance
moves or something like that
so it does have creative and educational value
but what Brad doesn’t want to do
is just pay for babysitting babysitting
of course is if someone goes to watch your kid
a lot of times
babysitting happens at your own house
or at a babysitter’s house sometimes
babysitters will watch several kids at once
but if there are a lot of kids in one place
a center designated for babysitting
we have a special word for that that would be called day care
day care is different than school for kids
it’s literally just a place where your kids can be babysat okay
the thing is here that Brad and Emma you know
they’re talking about school kids
school age kids
and this could go all the way up through high school
but the term
babysitting could still be used in kind of a fun way
because we often use this word like this for
example um
there have been situations in the past
where we’ve gone to schools
we’ve taken a school program into schools
and we look out in the crowd and realize that
all of the teachers have left
they’ve taken a break
and they’ve left all of their students with us
and so
we felt like we were there kind of like babysitting their kids
looking after their kids and students
and obviously that didn’t rub me the right way
i think that the teacher should also be there as well
in case something goes wrong
or in case the students act up
there has to be someone there that they know otherwise
it really does feel like we are the babysitters
you could also use this about for example
a new co worker or intern at your company
you could say he really doesn’t know how to do his job yet
and i don’t feel like babysitting him
even though he is a full grown adult at a job
we can still use this term
but it’s not very nice well this section ends by saying well
in any case i plan to attend the school board meeting
and hear their reasoning
Brad says i think i will too right now
let’s go to today’s fun fact
hello fact friends
i’m detective Ernest finder and i have a fun fact for you
today did you know
there is a famous movie about a kid that is alone at home it’s
true it’s a Christmas movie the movie is called home alone
which is maybe not very original
but you can see it it’s about a kid
who was forgotten by his family
and has to protect his house from bad guys
and that is todays fun fact
alright friends
it is time for a quiz so close that magazine here
we go a shorter school day
may give students more time for blank activities
what kind of activities
we talked about some in our lesson today
and Maria is writing her answer down
here’s an example of this type of activity
maybe joining a sports team
or doing something with music or drama
the word is extracurricular
and you got the spelling correct nice job
friends did you get the correct answer
yes you may have more time for extracurricular activities
with a shorter school day well
this is a good topic
i hope that you continue to discuss it in English
but that’s all the time we have for today
we’ll see you next time right here on studio classroom

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