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Take a Trip to the Netherlands! (a)
2024/04/18 16:44:14瀏覽16|回應0|推薦0
the Netherlands is a small country in Europe, but it’s full of heart.
I used to live there.
How long did you live in the Netherlands?
Well, it was just five years, they were my elementary school years when I was still quite young.

Visit the Netherlands for a wonderful experience!
There are beautiful tulips鬱金香 and windmills風車 all around this country.
Many people travel around the Netherlands on the rivers.
It’s a great way to see everything.
Famous painters like Vincent van Gogh梵谷 and Rembrandt林布蘭 lived in the Netherlands
See some of their art in the museums there.
There are many good ones in Amsterdam.
There is so much to see in the Netherlands!


Hey, James. How are you?
Great! I’m planning a trip to the Netherlands!
Oh, fun! 
I visited the Netherlands a few years ago.
What did you do?
Well, I remember seeing lots of tulips and windmills.
The Netherlands is famous for those!
Yes. And there’s so much more.
Like what?
Like traveling on the rivers to see everything!
You traveled by water?
Yes. It was wonderful.
That sounds fun.
Did you go to any museums?
Of course!
If you like art, you’ll enjoy the museums in the Netherlands.
Well, Vincent van Gogh is my favorite painter.
Where can I go to see his art?
The Van Gogh Museum in Amsterdam!
It has a lot of his art.
I can’t wait to go!

The Netherlands plants and grows many tulips.
It said that long ago, tulip bulbs球莖 were so valuable.
They were used as money in the Netherlands.
Windmills in this country are big buildings with a part that spins when the wind blows inside.
There are things that help ground磨碎 flour麵粉 so that you can make bread.

I remember seeing that movie last summer.
They will always remember visiting the Grand Canyon.
He couldn’t remember taking the bus to work yesterday.
Do they remember swimming in the ocean years ago?

And there’s so much more.
This place has interesting windmills.
And there’s so much more.
This place has colorful flowers.
And there’s so much more.
This place has beautiful rivers.
And there’s so much more.
But staying here costs money.
And we have no more.
Oh. Too bad.

The most famous river in the Netherlands is called the Rhine River萊茵河.
Some people even live on those rivers in houseboats船屋.
Did you ever go on any of the rivers?
Well, sometimes we would go on little lakes or ponds and ride an inflatable boat充氣小艇.

If Tom has time, he will visit us.
If we have time, we’ll look in the gift shop.
If Tom had time, he would visit us.
If we had time, we would look in the gift shop.

We’ll visit the city soon.
Can you hear the sound of the river?
Mary is a wonderful painter.
He creates beautiful art.
Ben saw many things in the museum.

Who is the painter of that picture?
We visited many countries on our trip.
Where is the history museum?
The water in the river is very cold.
They enjoy looking at great art.

This place sounds wonderful.
Where is it?
The Netherlands.
That’s not a real place, it’s from a storybook.
I didn’t say Neverland, I said the Netherlands.
The Netherlands is that a real place.

Today we’re having fun in the Netherlands.
The Netherlands is famous for tulips and windmills.
That’s right.
But I’m confused, is the Netherlands the same as Holland?
Actually no!
The Netherlands is a country with 12 different areas.
Two of those areas are called Holland.
All 12 areas together are called the Netherlands.
What are the people of the Netherlands called?
Uh, netherlanders?
No. They’re called the Dutch荷蘭語;荷蘭人.
Dutch people, thanks.
That’s good to know.
Hey, I’m kind of getting hungry, let’s go find a place to eat.
I’ll pay, my treat!
No. I’ll pay, my treat!
Let’s not argue, let’s go Dutch各付各的!
Go Dutch?
It means we both each pay for our own meal.

夢幻島,又譯永無島、虛無島,出自於蘇格蘭小說家及劇作家詹姆士·馬修·巴里筆下的《彼得潘》,是一個處於遙遠地方的虛構地點,主角彼得潘(Peter Pan)、仙子小叮噹(Tinker Bell)、和失落男孩(Lost Boys)居住於其上。

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