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Let's Shop!
2024/04/30 16:17:18瀏覽29|回應0|推薦0
Shopping is usually the word we use when we’re shopping for fun things, not just for our groceries on the weekend.

People often shop for clothes such as shirts or jeans.
They may look in many different stores.
They look for the right style for them.
You have to decide many things: Does this look good on me?
Is this the right size? 
Is it small, medium or large?
Maybe it’s not the right size.
Then ask a clerk. He or she can help you.

I have bought way too many things, different machines and tools just to make delicious dishes in my kitchen.
But I spend a little too much.
Well, Gary, I know you cook well.


Hi, Sam! What are you shopping for today?
Clothes. I need some new shirts.
My shirts are too old.
This store has nice shirts.
I know. I like this shirt. 
Does this color look good on me?
Yes, it does.
Red looks good on you.
Thanks. I often buy red shirts.
Red is my favorite color.
That shirt is a nice style for you, too.
Is it the right size?
No. This shirt is small.
I need a large size.
Is there a shirt like that in large?
I hope so.
Ask a clerk for help.
He or she can find the right size for you.
I’m looking for a clerk right now.

cloth, clothes, closing的差异
另外清洁用的抹布也叫cloth为可数名词 两块抹布式two cloths
She bought some blue cloth to make a shirt.
She cleaned the table with a cloth.
第二种clothes是衣服的意思 不论是襯衫长裤或衣裙 凡穿在身上的衣服都是clothes
它一律以复数型呈现 没有单数型
You need to wash your clothes; they are dirty.
你必须洗衣服了 它们很脏
第三种clothing是服装 是不可数名词 对所有衣物比较正式的统称
Do you shop at that closing store very often?

Shirts are important pieces of clothing.
You wear them on the top of your body.
There are shirts that are more formal.
And shirts that are very casual like a T-shirt.
But Gary, you’re not wearing a T-shirt, you’re wearing a shirt with a collar領.
So we can say you’re wearing a collared shirt or a dress shirt.
Everyone has a different skin color(人種膚色) or skin tone(皮膚質感色調).
Maybe a shirt looks really nice in the store, but it doesn’t look so nice on you.
Everyone is different.

Is it the right size?
I want to buy a shirt.
Here’s one. Is it the right size?
No. It’s too big.
Here’s one. Is it the right size?
No. It’s too big. 
How about this one? 
Is it the right size?
Yes. It’s the right size.
But the wrong color.

We usually use small, medium and large to talk about different sizes.
Of course there’s also xl, extra large and other sizes as well.

Do you see that small child?
Id like a small drink, please.
H wears a small.
D you have large in this color?

A clerk is someone who works at a store.
You might call them a cashier if they’re helping you pay for something.
Or just someone who works at the store.
Sometimes people might even say salesperson.

I often shop on weekends.
That shirt fits you well.
What size do you need?
Do you have a small size?
Ask the clerk for help.

Let’s shop for clothes today.
Those kittens are very small.
Do you like my new shirt?
Te store clerk is very helpful.
Tis size fits me.

What size does Sam need?
He needs a large size.
How often do you shop for things?

You are so white?皮膚白?
美國俚語字典 Urban Dictionary 對「so white」的解釋是:
Arrogant, cruel, draconian, ignorant, stringent.
你皮膚好白 ≠ You are so white.
西方人對膚色非常敏感,一旦用 white 形容一個人的膚色,「人種」的概念也就隨之而來,一不小心就會有種族歧視的味道。當我們形容人的皮膚,談的不是 skin color,而是 skin tone,不是人種膚色,而是美感膚質。不是 white/black/yellow 之類和人種膚色相關的顏色,而是和膚質相關的 fair/light/dark 等形容詞。
(X)You are so white.
(X)You are so pale.
(O)Your skin is fair.

皮膚白不用 white,也不是 pale。 pale 是指氣色不好,看起來「蒼白、沒血色」。皮膚白晳,英文用 fair。實際應用在對話中,怎麼用?
All my family are fair-skinned.
Nina is looking pale – is she ill? 

我皮膚很黑 ≠ My skin is black.
皮膚白不用 white,同樣道理,皮膚黑也不是 black。
「曬黑」的英文用 tan,在歐美的夏天,大家都想把自己曬成古銅色,就會時常在各式各樣的商品上看到這個字:像是tanning salon(助曬沙龍)、tanning lotion(助曬乳)等。
(X)You’re so black!
(O)You got tanned.

(X)Her skin becomes black very quickly in the summer.
(O)Her skin tans very quickly in the summer.

(X)He has black skin.
(O)He has dark skin.


credit card就是信用卡

Hey, Susie, what’s in the bag?
A set of knives. 
I’m going to return them.
Why are you returning them?
They’re not very sharp.
And one of them broke last night.
That’s not good.
No, it’s not.
And they were expensive knives.
I want my money back.
I don’t blame you不能怪你.
When did you buy them?
Last month.
I have the receipt right here.
Let’s see...I bought them on the 18th.
What’s the store’s return policy?
They have a 60-day return policy.
I’m within that time limit期限.
Good. And you have the receipt, so returning them should be no trouble.
I’d like to get my money back in cash.
Did you pay cash when you bought them?
No. I put them on my credit card
Then they will put the money back on your card.
I know. Too bad.
But you still get your money back!
That’s good.

James sees that Susie is holding something.

What’s in the bag?
Hey! What’s in the bag?
I can’t tell you. It’s a secret.
Tell me. What’s in the bag?
I can’t tell you. 
It’s a surprise.
Tell me. What’s in the bag?
Do you really want to know?
Yes. What is it?
Tell me.
It’s a cake for your birthday.
We’re having a surprise party!
A surprise party!
Why did you tell me?

Susie has a set of or a group of knives.
She wants to return them, she wants to give them back to the store.
Often when you buy things, they will give you a receipt.
Make sure you keep it.
If you don’t want to keep the things you bought, bring the thing and the receipt and you can return them.
They will often give you your money back.

Why is he leaving early?
你可以说What is he leaving early for?
Why are they talking so loudly?
也可以用What are they talking so loudly for?

If you think someone did something wrong then you blame them.
You might even tell them I blame you for doing that.
Here we are not talking about something bad.
James is just saying he would do the same, he doesn’t think Susie is doing something wrong.
He would also return those knives.

What’s the store’s return policy?
They have a 60-day return policy.
I’m within that time limit期限.
Good. And you have the receipt, so returning them should be no trouble.
I’d like to get my money back in cash.
Did you pay cash when you bought them?
No. I put them on my credit card
Then they will put the money back on your card.
I know. Too bad.
But you still get your money back!
That’s good.

The word policy means just set of rules.
A store might have a policy for what you can and can’t do.
Susie says this store has a 60 day return policies.
You can return the item any time during that time period.
She’s within that time limit.
So she’s inside of the day that she bought it to 60 days later.

以下说明no trouble与no problem使用上的不同
第一个是课文的no trouble觉得他人提出的要求只要顺手一下就可以做到一点都不麻烦也不困难
Thanks for fixing my bike.
It was no trouble.
Glad I could help.
不麻烦 很高兴我能帮上忙
另一种no problem意思与no trouble类似但是它可以单独使用
Can you get me some food?
Sure, no problem.

Cash is the paper and the coins we use when we pay for things.
It’s money that you can actually hold in your hands.
When you use too much cash to pay for something, they will usually give you what we call change零錢,找零.
Or they will give you cash back for the difference差額.
You can pay cash, you can pay in cash or you can pay with cash.
Pay with a credit card is another way, we can pay for things we buy.
You use a card that accesses存取 your money.
You usually swipe[swaip]刷(卡) it or scan it then later at the end of the month you will have to pay that money back.
That’s how a credit card works.
Because Susie paid with her credit card, the company will put the money back on her card.
That knife is sharp; don’t cut yourself.
He blamed責怪 me for his mistake.
I got a receipt when I bought the jeans.
He paid cash for the tickets.
Use your credit card to buy it.

Where is the recipe for the meal?
I can’t blame you for trying.
He cut the meat with a sharp knife.
He put the meal on his credit card.
I need cash to buy a snack.

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