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How to Do Sit-Ups仰臥起坐
2024/04/15 16:29:21瀏覽19|回應0|推薦0
A sit-up is a type of exercise, it helps us to make our stomach muscles stronger.


You just made me run one hundred kilometers.
No complaining!
First, lie down flat on your back on the floor.
Can I just take a quick nap here?
Number two, bend your knees. Put your feet flat on the floor.
Very good job!
Now put your hands behind your ears like this.
It builds character, if you can do a sit-up, you can do anything.
A sit up is the best!
Now get back on the mat.
Number four, lift your shoulders up towards your knees.
Breathe out as you lift your body.
Stay there and touch your elbows to your knees.
I did it!
But Greg, you still have to sit back.
How can I do that?
Number 6, slowly lower your shoulders back to the floor.
Breathe in as your body goes down.
Step number 7, repeat steps 4 to 6 for the rest of the sit-ups.
How many more do I have to do?
Don’t worry, Greg, only five hundred!
Come on, Greg, you can do it!
One, two, three...
Only four hundred ninety seven more to go!

She lay down on the bed for a nap.
The dog is lying down under the table.
你也可以用write down在纸上记下资讯或想法
Please write down your name and address.
She wrote down the information in her notebook.
你也可以用slow down表示速度慢下来
Slow down! you are driving too fast.
慢点 你开得太快了
She needs to slow down and not work so fast.

Bend your knees.
What advice do you have for tennis players?
Bend your knees.
What advice do you have for basketball players?
Bend your knees.
What’s the best advice in sports?
Bend your knees.

Put the paper flat on the desk.
He pulled the hat over his ears.
I can’t lift this desk without help.
They are walking slowly to school.
Lower the book, I can’t see your face.

He can’t hear out of one ear.
He’s lying flat on the floor.
She is lowering her hand down.
Open the door slowly.
He’s lifting the child up into the car.

What do you touch your elbows to?
You touch your elbows to your knees.
How many sit-ups can you do?

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