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2005/09/05 13:42:48瀏覽2501|回應5|推薦26 | |
此行遍飲北美生啤酒,最大的收穫應該是喝到了Montana州Missoula的特產draft「麋鹿の口水」(Moose drool)。它屬於味道甜厚的Brown Ale類生啤酒,但因淡淡的烘焙黑麥味中混合有三種不同啤酒花,使麥的甘甜微帶複雜的苦澀,薰炙出質感濃稠的豐富口味。酒色深棕,染著巧克力色澤,恰恰是Montana「麋鹿」的皮毛。(http://www.homebeer.com.tw/html/talk-1.htm) 製造使用的水也是來自Montana的山泉,而上層浮著細緻綿密的泡沫,應該就是「口水」的部份囉!由於路上不慎與一匹馬兒過從甚密,留下它一嘴的泡沫狀黏液在外套上許久不退,因而很能了解四腳草食動物口水的特質。根據資料,這種特殊的「口水」,與啤酒酵母發酵的狀況有關。 查了一下, 原來它是本州最賣的啤酒咧~~~ 與朋友Muguet說,比起用掌心溫熱馬德蓮蛋糕,在涼冽的冰河湖畔(Many Glacier)飲冰啤酒,暖意漸起,也是種老嘻皮的浪漫罷!
Moose Drool is chocolate brown in color with a creamy texture. Our brown ale is a malty beer with just enough hop presence to keep it from being too sweet. The aroma also mostly comes from the malt with a hint of spiciness being added by the hops. Moose Drool is brewed with pale, caramel, chocolate, and whole black malts; and Kent Goldings, Liberty, and Willamette hops. It has an original gravity of 13 degrees Plato, and is 4.2% alcohol by weight, 5.3% by volume. 想看各種Beer長相請點此 http://www.thebeerstore.ca/ultimate/beer-types.html |
( 休閒生活|美食 ) |