在台灣吃到最道地的Chilli soup 是在Neo 19的"Chilli"店, 在美國它只是平價的墨西哥餐廳, 到了台北, 居然搖身變為雅痞的夜店. 除了Beer, 冒險點了一次cocktail, 還頗不錯, 威脅他別像"星期x"一樣泡水, 果真上杯濃烈有勁ㄦ的, 店員還真是可愛~~~
暑假的美國行, 餐餐幾乎都點Chilli soup, 發現正版還是不同. 台灣的Chilli soup 太鹹, 牛肉多,往往一小碗都吃不完, 而蒙大拿州與華盛頓州吃到的, 比例上則以攪碎的豆,洋蔥與起士(mozzarella)多, 香料多於鹽巴, 百吃不膩, 且chilli的辣味帶著馨香, 連鄉下小店都能各出奇招, 口味各擅勝場. 有次在西亞圖郊區吃到泰半是mozzarella的Chilli , 又sticky 又香, 真是樂得暈陶陶
其實可以自己作ㄛ, 材料如Kidney bean, 頂好安和店有, 頂好甚至還有chilli sauce,乾燥義大利香料等 !用Can做的要點是不可以再加水, 稀了會不香稠. 我自己不用豆泥而以煮爛的豆代替, 因為習慣吃 健康的low GI飲食, 呵~

# SOY CHILLI 牛肉豆子chilli
1 onion洋蔥
225g (8 oz) frozen soya mince攪碎黑/黃豆
1 sticks of celery芹菜
1 small carrot紅蘿蔔
1 small courgette小胡瓜
1 tin tomatoes蕃茄
1 tin kidney beans 腰豆, 有紅黃白等品種
1 chopped red chilli or 1 tsp hot chilli powder 碎紅辣椒或一匙辣粉
500ml (18 fl oz) vegetable stock 500cc蔬菜湯
Salt and Pepper 鹽, 胡椒
1) 黃色四種切丁Finely chop the onion and slice the carrots, celery and courgette.
2) 熱油鍋或奶油, 炒(1), 牛繳肉, 加上辣粉, 中火悶煮10分至軟, 加入高湯, 蕃茄, 豆, 煮20分Heat oil or margarine and add the onion, mince, carrots, celery and chilli powder. Cook, covered, over a medium heat for about 10 minutes until softened. Add stock, tomatoes and beans and cook for 20 minutes.
3) 上桌時可附上塔可薄餅皮, 墨西哥餅, 飯,壹碟沙拉醬( 我想white cheese sauce較好) , 或Guacamole醬 (酪梨、蕃茄、洋蔥、檸檬汁及各式香草製成的濃稠綠色醬料,一般用玉米餅Doritos 沾著吃) This is good served with taco shells or tortillas, rice, Salad and Guacamole. ==> 其實美國多半附小袋乾餅干, 可沾吃或捏碎放入攪拌

Serving Size : 6 Categories : Mexican
Amount Measure Ingredient -- Preparation Method
-------- ------------ --------------------------------
4 c 杯 Rich beef broth濃牛肉湯
10 Cloves garlic -- peeled剝皮大蒜粒
4 lg Tomatoes -- chopped碎蕃茄丁
3 md Onions -- quartered切四半的洋蔥
1/2 ts Mixed dried herbs (Italian Seasoning)義大利混合香料
1 t Sugar
1/4 ts Ground cumin小茴香粉
1 md Onion -- cut into ring洋蔥切細條圈
1 Long mild green chili -- cut -into thin rings長條淺綠辣椒切細條圈
1 Red bell pepper -- seeded And cut into Thin ring 紅椒切細條圈
1 c Shredded sharp Cheddar巧達起士細條狀
1 c Shredded mozzarella 起士細條狀
1 c Mild or hot chunky salsa 辣醬
1 t Minced fresh cilantro for Garnish 香菜飾邊
淺鍋中以微火煮上述粉紅底綠字"7種成份", 滾後移燉鍋中ㄝ, 再煮30分, 果汁機打碎後放回淺鍋中. Put the first 7 ingredients into a pot and bring to a gentle boil. Reduce the heat to a simmer and continue cooking for 30 minutes. Puree in a blender and return to the pot.
加入洋蔥, 辣椒, 紅椒再煮15分或到軟Add the onion, chili, and bell pepper to the soup and simmer for about 15 minutes, or until the vegetables are tender.
把兩種起士倒在一起Toss the two cheeses together.
舀到熱過的小碗碟, 加入起士辣醬, 輕攪, 香菜飾於上, 趕緊上桌 Ladle the soup into a heated serving dish. Add the cheeses and salsa and stir gently. Sprinkle with the cilantro and serve immediately.
(哈, 開workshop因與美國來的技師聊到義大利麵醬, 午休為提神趕寫出此文, 真是"混"學生