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2019/01/23 03:06:01瀏覽1060|回應6|推薦79 | |
Sunday Mornings Brunch By Curtis Growing up, every other day of the week meant there was something to do or somewhere to go almost first thing in the morning. Sundays in that time were different. My mother would be up before us and would take the time to make something more special for breakfast or brunch. Our family was a little unusual, especially by today’s standards, in that we would always have dinner together in the dining room without any outside interference from televisions, etc. This was also the case with Sunday mornings. We would wake up later and by the time we came down breakfast would most likely be ready. Blueberry muffins were one favorite. Not too difficult to put together in a short time, satisfying, and either with fresh blueberries in season, or with blueberries frozen in summer to remind a winter morning of the return of the season. Ingredients: 1 ½ cups unbleached flour ½ cup sugar 2 teaspoons baking powder ½ teaspoon salt ¼ cup soft butter 1 egg ½ cup milk 1 cup blueberries Steps: Preheat oven to 400. Sift the flour, baking powder, and salt together into a bowl. Mix in the sugar. In a separate bowl, beat the egg and add the milk. Then add this and the butter to the dry ingredients. Do not overmix. Fold the blueberries into the batter and fill greased muffin cups ¾ full. Sprinkle a little sugar on top of each muffin. Bake for 15 to 18 minutes. Muffins first became popular in England in the 1700’s. Many different recipe variations are possible, but in America, blueberries are the most popular addition to muffins. Wild blueberries are a native plant to the Americas, and blueberries were first bred and cultivated as a farm crop a little over 100 years ago. ![]() ![]() 除了在台灣住的那幾年外, Sunday Mornings Brunch都是Curtis包辦的. 他的手藝是婆婆教的,而婆婆的廚藝有大師級的層級. 婆婆做任何事是非常嚴謹一絲不苟,這點在烘焙方面更顯而易見. 她對我的自由發揮不按牌理出牌的個性常是驚嚇連連 自然而然的在婆婆家我就省了很多做飯的機會.(不過再也沒機會做飯給她吃了 Curtis延襲了婆婆的嚴謹,因此對食材用量方面很要求也很小心. 這道藍莓瑪芬他做過無數次,但味道口感始終如一. 就因為他的"堅持",也自然的把我們的嘴養刁了,現在外面的 糕餅點心很難贏得我們的歡心.... 我就還好想吃的時候和他說一聲即可,但兩個小子要等到放假回來才吃得到, 因此每隔一段時間Curtis就會寄些餅乾讓他們解解饞, 不過聽說Day最近在學校宿舍的廚房開始學做糕點, 用的是婆婆的私房食譜,原來他老爸將食譜多Copy了一份給他.... 為了這篇文Curtis"蘊釀"了許久,因為 [第一次就獻給UDN了 他希望格友們不吝賜教,您們的回應他也會親自回覆喔! |
( 休閒生活|美食 ) |