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2013/12/01 20:34:23瀏覽468|回應4|推薦47 | |
今年十二月二十六日, 是我國一位偉人的一百二十歲誕辰。 為紀念此一絕倫的偉人, 特此發表我早年紀念他的四首小詩, 以及最近補寫的一首後紀, 加了一個總標題「血腥的榮耀」, 以表敬意,以申賀忱。
尊稱郭莫若先生為中國的「歌德」, 蓋因其善於歌功頌德也。 郭先生何人也?老小子何人也? 怎敢效顰!也在這裡「歌德」一陣!
血腥的榮耀 1.英 雄 我怎麼能反抗他呢? 現在他是個大英雄。 造像威武嚴厲, 高踞皇座宮庭。 雖然他無比的權威 是結晶于鮮血之中; 他偉大的成就 是建立在白骨之頂。 那是我們父兄的鮮血與白骨啊! 那是我們母姊的悲傷與痛苦啊! 不管怎麼樣, 他已經是個大英雄。 是我們把他推上了寶座, 是他自己贏得了這場鬥爭。 他的周圍, 百草彎腰。 他的身旁, 百花獻笑。 群眾驚恐的崇拜他。 兒童懵懂的歡呼他。 . 我有時也會彎腰, 懷恨禱告。 我有時也會呼叫, 發誓回報。 某日某朝! 某式某招! . 我也曾試著崇拜他, 試想他是個奇特的偉人。 我也曾學著歡呼他, 試以愛國心壓倒我的恨。 那怎麼能呢? 我怎麼辦呢? 有什麼法子? 那一天呢? . 現在他的全然自私自利, 越發讓人討厭。 他的極度胡作非為, 越發讓人儍眼。 大錯呀! 大儍瓜! 多麼可歎! 多麼可憐!
英文原詩附後 並請批評指正
1. The Hero
How can I oppose him? He becomes a great hero. His stature is majestic, and lofty on his throne. Although his achievement is cultivated with flesh and blood, and his commandment is built upon bones and skulls: They are our fathers’ and brothers’ blood and bones, our mothers’ and sisters’ sacrifices and sufferings! Anyway he is great. Still he is a hero. He wins his position. We raise his statues! His environment, grasses grow to bow. His surroundings, flowers bloom to fawn. People admire him with awe. Children hail him with wows. I myself also often bow, bow to pray with hate. I myself often vow, vow to retaliate. Someday ! Someway! I too have tried to admire him: tried to suppose he is oddly great. I too have tried to hail him: tried to be patriotic, not to hate. But how can I do it? What should I do? Which day? What way? . Now, I despise him very much. His utter egoism terribly sickens me. Also, he disgusts me very much. I am appalled by his further evil deeds. What errors! What fools! How sorrowful! How pitiful!! 為了適應網路的資訊歸戶,老小子在UDN的暱稱, 即日起由oleyon 改為在別處採用的「戈筆揚」, 以免google 等編目時紛亂重疊,檢索時無所適從。 這枝秃筆有時會舞弄一場,有時也會誦揚一場。 12/01/2013 |
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