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2018/11/02 08:04:11瀏覽1337|回應6|推薦53 | |
與癌共舞 詩贈見素
如果你能擁有 自然的巨大能量, 樂觀奮閗與希望,
相容並且共舞, 荼毒以及痛苦。
你可享受人生, 繼續你的前程, 愉快的與其周旋, 和諧的大步前行!
英文原詩附後 並請批評斧正 此詩版權公開, 歡迎推廣轉載.
Dance with Cancer To a Friend Named Jian-Su
If you can possess nature’s great power and keep a cheerful, hopeful heart. You can dance with the cool cancer with peaceful harmony, without doleful harm.
Practice qigong! Possess the power!
It can help you conquer this cruel cancer, to be graceful, in concert with your form. . It won’t hinder any medical work. It can enhance all remedial force.
You can enjoy life, heartily step and twirl. Continue your work, harmoniously stride forward!
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