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dhamma 筆記 1-1 沒有主宰性
2022/11/19 19:57:50瀏覽72|回應0|推薦0


From the perspective of Buddha-Dhamma, all things exist according to their own nature. They do not exist as separate fixed entities, and in the case of living creatures, they are not distinct and immutable ‘beings’ or ‘persons’, which one could validly take to be a legitimate owner of things or which are able to govern things according to their wishes.

Everything that exists in the world exists as a collection of convergent parts. There exists no inherent self or substantial essence within things. When one separates the constituent parts from each other, no self or core remains. A frequent scriptural analogy for this is of a vehicle.When one assembles the various parts according to one’s chosen design, one assigns the conventional term ‘wagon’ to the end product. Yet if one disassembles the parts, no essence of a wagon can be found. All that remains are the various parts, each of which is given its own specific name.

摘自 (Buddhadhamma Natural Laws and Values for Life By Phra Prayudh Payutto



從佛法的角度來看,一切事物都依其本性(own nature)而存在;它們不是單獨且固定不變的存有或人物,可以有效地視自己為事物的擁有者,或者能夠根據自己的意願主宰他們。





( 心情隨筆心情日記 )
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