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dhamma1-5 Feeling(vedanā)-受
2022/11/30 22:05:05瀏覽66|回應0|推薦0

Feeling(vedanā) refers to the ’sensing’ of sense impressions, or of experiencing their ’flavour’. It refers to the feeling or sensation arising every time there is contact and cognition of sense objects. These feelings may be pleasurable and agreeable, painful and oppressive, or neutral.

To avoid confusion with the aggregate of mental formations (saṅkhāra), it is important to note that feeling (vedanā) is an activity at the level of reception – it pertains exclusively to the immediate effect an object has on the mind. It does not pertain to the stage of intention or of acting in response to sense impressions, which is the function of mental formations (saṅkhāra). For this reason, such terms as ’like’, ’dislike’, ’delight’, and ’aversion’ usually refer to the activity of mental formations, which involves a subsequent level of activity. These terms normally refer to volitional activities or to reactions to sense impressions.

受蘊(vedanā) 是指對感官印象的“感覺”,或所體驗的“味道”,指每次接觸、認知感官所緣時所生起的感受。這些感受可能是愉快和悅意的,痛苦和壓抑的,或者是中性的。

為避免與行蘊(saṅkhāra) 相混淆,要注意受 (vedanā) 是一種接受層面的活動——它只涉及對象對心的直接影響,不是對於感受的回應或行動的階段,後者是行(saṅkhāra) 的功能,受(vedanā)是行(saṅkhāra)的基礎,所以有 “喜歡”、“不喜歡”、“厭惡”等心理行的活動。

Feeling (Vedanā) and Mental Formations (Saṅkhāra)

Feeling (vedanā) plays a pivotal role in the lives of sentient creatures, because it is both desired and sought after (in the case of pleasure), and feared and avoided (in the case of pain). Each time there is contact and cognition of a sense object, feeling acts as the juncture, directing or motivating the other mental factors. For example, if one contacts a pleasurable sense object, one pays special attention to it and perceives it in ways that reciprocate or make the most out of that sensation. One then thinks up strategies for repeating or extending one’s experience of this object.

感受 (vedanā) 在有情眾生的生活中,扮演著舉足輕重的角色,因為它既令人渴求快樂,又讓人害怕陷入痛苦,每次感官接觸所緣時,感受(vedanā)都作為連接點,引導或推動其他心所;例如,如果接觸到令感官愉悅的對象,就會特別注意它,並以這種方式反覆感知它。然後,人們會想出擴展對這種體驗的策略。


    (英文摘自Buddhadhamma Natural Laws and Values for Life By Phra Prayudh Payutto)



( 心情隨筆心情日記 )
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