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2022/12/18 23:13:57瀏覽117|回應0|推薦0

All activities for sake of life and health,

Relief of hunger and of weariness,

Time consumed in sleep, all accident and injury,

And sterile friendships with the childish—


【隆蓮法師譯】衣食活命醫藥緣 營擾饑軀常疲困

睡眠逼惱恆相隨 更狎愚迷作無義

Throughout their short lives, beings spend their time hoping for longevity, caring for their bodies in all sorts of ways, taking different remedies and cures to maintain a healthy constitution. Then there are others who lack the necessities of food, drink, and so on; they are hungry and destitute and must labor wearily for their livelihood. They spend half their lives in the stupefaction of sleep. Outside and in, they are assailed by different troubles. They abandon themselves to futile behavior in the company of ordinary people whose conduct is no better than that of children. And in their various doings life goes quickly by. It is frittered away, without any virtuous accomplishment to render it significant.

(摘自《文殊語甘露:入菩薩行論詳釋》─The Nectar of Manjushris Speech: A Detailed Commentary on Shantidevas Way of the Bodhisattva)

(摘要) 在短暫的一生中,眾生盼望長壽,以各種方式照顧自己的身體,採取不同的治療維護體質;還有一些人缺乏食物、飲料等物資,他們又餓又窮,必須勞苦才能維持生計;有些人在昏沉中度過了半生,不論在外面或裡面,被諸多麻煩所困擾,他們在行為不亞於兒童的凡夫相伴中,耽溺於徒勞的行為,耗盡飛逝的時間,卻沒有成就福德與有意義的事情。




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