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2021/09/18 14:43:32瀏覽98|回應0|推薦0

One moment friends,The next, theyre bitter enemies.

Even pleasant things arouse their discontent:

Ordinary people-it is hard to please them!(摘自 入菩薩行靜慮品)

【隆蓮法師譯】一剎那間成親友 於須臾頃復成仇

                於歡喜處生嗔怒 取悅愚夫誠難事

**Such associates have no constancy of mind, and are always in search of something new. They are loving friends at one moment and bitter enemies the next. When you try to urge them to virtue, the source of happiness, they get irritated and reject it. If you are rich in Dharma and ordinary possessions (things at which friends ought normally to rejoice), they are resentful and jealous. No matter what you do, it is hard to please ordinary people.

(摘自《文殊語甘露:入菩薩行論詳釋》─The Nectar of Manjushris Speech: A Detailed Commentary on Shantidevas Way of the Bodhisattva)


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