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賀! (20091119) Congratulation!
2012/06/25 12:17:26瀏覽158|回應0|推薦3




Its quite amazing that there were over 2,700 visitors browsing this young blog filled with bitter, boring, pictures-few industrial articles. More than that, there are hard-patient jurors to read them and nominate this humble blog in qualification game. It is great award already.

I would like to thank the jurors as well as the blog-passing-by friends. Because you care, our automotive industry, home community, and this diameter-12,756-km big ball we stand on foresee evergreen and bright tomorrow.

Well, there is a serious claim, especially to my boss. All my blog articles were finished in weekend days and my ex-unemployed-days. Hopefully I will not write articles with tearing unemployed days again!

( 心情隨筆雜記 )
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