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2013/07/05 01:31:02瀏覽4025|回應14|推薦32 | |||||||||||||||||||
Hacked my access to UDN blogs (blog.udn.com), either individually or institutionally. That is why we must persevere in our fight against evil, tactically, strategically. They can win over some people at times, but they can't defeat all people all the time. The very fact that they strive to shut people up is evident enough to prove that they are on the wrong side of all good, noble human values. Now that PRAC is gaining power and momentum, it won't hesitate to reach out its claws around the globe and "touch someone". Nobody is safe from this menace. Being a totalitarianism regime, harming people is what they do. They are a nation of moral, reason, justice, and conscience bankruptcy, despite their newly gained wealth. To those of us who cherish our freedom of speech, blessing of democracy, and most important, determination to abide by the right side of moral, reason, justice, and conscience, this Nut salutes you. 邪不勝正 is all the reason we need to believe that we shall prevail. Dear UDN: 長話短説。我家幾臺電腦都使用 AT&T wi-fi 上網。現在我 GolfNut 格(blog.udn.com/GolfNut)的問題是這樣: 二、電腦和 wi-fi router 沒問題,因一切運作正常;AT&T 説他們的 router 有內建防火牆,況且 router 只有韌體,hack 不了。我這端是安全的。 三、我的格並未被 UDN 禁,因為 iPhone 3G 照常可上,可見我的 account 沒問題。換句話説,聯網不知道我有問題。 四、Internet 看我的 IP address 應該是浮動的,不會永遠不變,所以 hack IP 行不通(駭得了一時駭不了永遠)。 五、到鄰居家借他們的網路上 blog.udn.com/GolfNut 也沒問題。 請問高明,可有解決之道? ===========================================
2013/07/04 09:15
「我懷疑貴站伺服器已經被駭,將從我 router 來的任何 dynamic IP 都列入『黑名單』。這是唯一可能。」 這不是唯一可能。這可能性非常小。 到你的hosts檔,加入下面這一行看看,CNN馬上就上不去。 www.cnn.com 所以才要你查一下hosts檔。你查了嗎? 2013/07/03 19:44
能人高手趕快來! 沒用的小肉球看不懂衲兄在說蝦米. 不過, UDN被駭是常態, 天天被駭, 時時被駭.
2013/07/03 08:48
覺得不可能。使用浮動IP的人那麼多,若禁的話,抗議者一定很多。 查一下 windows/system32/drivers/etc裡的hosts檔。以notepad打開,看udn是否在裡面。在的話,先備份,然後將udn相關那行刪去,重新開機看看。 boot到safe mode with network時,能上UDN否? |
( 心情隨筆|雜記 ) |