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2015羊年賀 等
2015/09/22 00:52:48瀏覽397|回應0|推薦0

1. 2015羊年賀


Year of 2015

Friends in poetry gather around/Everything rolls along happy and sound /In the year of the lamb.


2. 反法西斯抗戰七十週年紀念




 Second World War
An infant during World war II/Seventy-eight years have passed quickly/My nightmares haunt me still.


3. 霧霾




Air Pollution

What are worries in this world?/ Man-made harm all are catastrophes/Air pollution is

number one.


4. 宜居




Home, Sweet Home

Tucked in hills of Southern California/Slopes full of wild flowers in springtime/Wild geese heard in fall.


5. 2014消遙游



Great Wanderings in the Year of 2014

South to Machu Picchu/Continuing north to the Alaskan Glaciers/Year 2013 was like a dream.



6. 送別詩人


Goodbye to a Poet

A poet is going home/Everyone is sad to see him go/Let us read his poems.




6. 玫瑰三願

藍天白雲飄 / 青青草原見牛羊 / 夢中回故鄉

太陽高高照 / 碧空萬傾任逍遙 / 天地一海鳥

漢俳創作巧 / 情濃意深心高超 / 人生無限好


Three Wishes with Roses


Blue sky and white clouds/A green pasture with sheep and cows/Home to return to in dreams.

Bright sun in the sky/To roam in endless space and time/As free as Jonathan Seagull.

Hanpai will always be around/Plenty of good feelings and creative energy/Life is long and sound.



7. 南美傳奇組曲

South America Folkfores





Machu Picchu

The Yellow Emperor fought Ciyou/ Ciyou's troops ran ten thousands miles away/Into  fog of Machu Picchu.








Iguazu Falls

Naipi and Tarobá run away/Serpent Boi turns over their canoe/The separation is doomed.

God has mercy on them/The rainbow will hold the wedding veil/Love continues in Iguazu.


(Legend has beautiful Naipi and handsome Tarobá running away from Serpent Boi in a canoe. Boi caused the canoe to turn over. Tarobá became trees in the upper circuit. Naipi's beautiful hair turned into the falls. God had mercy and let rainbow appear so the two can be united almost daily.)





Rio de Janeiro

The city of Rio de Janeiro/Thousand purple and ten thousand reds coloring the Samba/ Sound of drums reach the sky.


9. 2015 五月歐洲華文作家協會


2015 European Chinese Writers Conference

Coming together in 2015/Chinese writers of Europe met in Barcelona/Their joy was beyond words.


10. 2015 十一月35屆世詩台灣盛會



35th WCP in Taiwan in November

Last year's gala is gone/Poets of the world long to meet/Soon on the "Beautiful" island .



11. 期待2016年海外女作家協會



Looking Forward to 2016 Overseas Chinese Women Writers Conference

First cruise in the Pacific/Sisters in writing reunite on a ship/Two years difficult to wait.



12. 寄紐西蘭俳友阿爽



To Songlam in New Zealand

Your island in Southern Hemisphere/Ten thousand miles like living next door/Hanpai brings us together instantly.



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