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家族群網上傳來長壽18特徵 只要具其中1/3 就有希望 與格友共勉 1. 樂觀 2. 適當運動 3. 父母長壽 4. 不久坐 5. 心地善良 6. 喜歡兒童 7. 放得開 8. 好讀書 9. 生活有規律 10.愛美 11.早睡早起 12.不要太瘦 13.心平氣和 14.捨得丟東西 15.合理肉食 16.老伴 17.喜新不厭舊 18.有一定嗜好。
The First Lady (鷓鴣天) Translated by 王克難Claire Wang-Lee2000年
It is light, yellow and dainty. And it does not attract much attention except with its fragrance. With no need for bright colors like pale green or crimson red, it is first rate among the blossoms. The plum must be jealous. The mums should feel inferior. In autumn, it’s the first lady for the August Moon Festival. Why the poets ignore it, and it has not been included in their annuals? 鷓鴣天·桂花 李清照 1101年後作 暗淡輕黃體性柔,情疏跡遠只香留。何須淺碧深紅色,自是花中第一流。 |
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