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Henry Von Ofterdingen Chapter 2 (英)
2008/01/05 22:40:19瀏覽674|回應0|推薦1

Chapter2              中文一 黃郁棋 49501016


In this Chapter Henry's mother bring him to Augsburg.

Then,Novalis use the third opinion to describe a story about Henry's felt.


In page 27 , Augsburg's people said Henry's mom must be took her son back to here, and make mention of everybody yearns for creative mind. In this paragraph story was about some people gave advise to Henry and Henry's reply.

In page 28 , people were refer to the trouble of that science fallen into the hands of a class. Sometimes these inexperienced men are useless to this world.

Then, the merchant says a lot of things about the splendor art “poem” and he was also story about a poet wanted to a desired country and he was faced some greed sailors ...

To sum up, chapter2 was some conversation and some described from third opinion and a story constructed.


The merchant's story have mentioned about a poet his jewels , and these jewels means all treasures that people wanted , but greed could not gotten anything.

The grateful monster means the natural animal , and it will bring all of the eternity to poesy guys.


From Henry's native country to Augsburg.

Henry in this journey has met some people like the merchant.


Henry's mother with her native country's people.

The merchant with Henry.

Sailors with poet.

Monster with poet.

Poet's friend with poet.


Science set people apart from the nature. Now,we can found that people have more and more distance each other.

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