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我愛中華 ( I love China )
2022/01/16 11:14:57瀏覽248|回應0|推薦0





I love China 








Let us seriously take a look at this, and therefore the fact comes floating in ours eye


Taiwan exists in this world with rock-solid fact, and so many people in the world think that mainland Chinas’ future will affect the future of the world as well as the existence of Taiwan can affect the future of mainland China at some time. In addition to that a large part of people being higher education in mainland China, based on its profound understanding of history, considers the existence of Taiwan to be as a future reference for China. Voilà, the highest common factor between the world, mainland China, and Taiwan is that the future of China affects the future of the world, while the future of Taiwan affects Chinas’ future. For a simple syllogism, the future of Taiwan is enough to influence the future of the world.






Taiwan as a subject, what can be done in 2020? As Taiwans’ economic conditions, geographical conditions, democratic conditions, historical conditions, the 2020 vision of Taiwan can be what? What is the pride of Taiwan civilians in 2020? If a society that has no vision for the next decade, and a group of civilians without pride, what else can we say about the subject?












Can Taiwan economically become a tourist island, information free island, industrial precision island, and the international springboard island for mainland China?



Can Taiwan politically become a democratic island, the rule of law and transparenc island, administrative efficiency island?



Can Taiwan environmentally become an ecological balance island?



Can Taiwan culturally become a human civilization compatible island?



Can Taiwan become the equidistant peace island, as well as a island for hastening the birth of a democratic in the region?



Taiwan has a foundation of certain level for each of the above, every item of them is proud and international status for Taiwanese. The most important thing is that every item of them can be understood by a new generation of young people of Taiwanese. Today, Taiwans’ elite in all businesses can find its status and get benefit in the above fields.



Hi, Taiwan, you can live a cozy life, or get up to influence the fate of the world. Its switch, just in your hands.





Above articles are extracted from 台灣是誰的?你的?我的?他的?世界的?” 范疇著,八旗文化出版。







Comments by 塵緣與八月桂花香:



If Taiwan will be lack of peace in the future, and therefore, how to achieve the follow things:




Taiwan economically becomes a tourist island, information free island, industrial precision island, and the international springboard island for mainland China.




Taiwan politically becomes a democratic island, the rule of law and transparency island, administrative efficiency island.




Taiwan environmentally becomes an ecological balance island.




Taiwan culturally becomes a human civilization compatible island.




Taiwan becomes the equidistant peace island, as well as a island for hastening the birth of a democratic in the region.





If Taiwan can not achieve the above things, what is the reference object for the civilized development of mainland China in the future?




Why do we must rely on the forces of the United States?



We must consider  What is “Put forth your strenth by shifting direct force so as to strenthen the power of your own(借力使力,更有力)”?.








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