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射箭日誌2005/10/15(六) 16(日) 一年又4週 測箭速
2007/04/02 21:33:35瀏覽705|回應0|推薦5
我是來承德射箭場之前已經足足十年沒運動了  基礎太差  整天黏在椅子上工作  肌力再練十年也可能不如您日常工作即運動的成果

----- Original Message -----
To: 99
Sent: Tuesday, October 18, 2005 1:49 AM
Subject: 回覆: 射箭日誌2005/10/15 16

按照你這樣的訓練進度 很能期待你的進步 我的訓練量不及你的1/3需加強

射箭日誌2005/10/15(六)  16(日)      一年又4週    測箭速
15(六) 1500-1830   16(日)1030-1430 
承德射箭場  教練O[紅字: 教練修正
Win & Win 70" 40# (46# @ 30") WinEX limb + Infinite riser + Carbon Sight
OK 32.5" cluster central stabilizer + Cartel 絕種damper + SSSC自製weight
Beiter clicker + Beiter cushion plunger + Cartel rest
韓製Doo Sung - Cartel  X-pert 520 (32.1"未裁)直管碳鋁箭  + 黃色Spin-Wing vane 1-3/4" + Easton G-nock  FOC=13
FastFlight 18股弦  弦高9+1/8"(暫時) Tiller = 1/16"
本週門診甚忙  目前日常練習再度減量如下
每日暖身操--warming up  (+ cooling down)
                36#放箭練習累計10-30  持續引弓累計1-2次  目前36#持續約20秒
                左右各1.8公斤優酪乳罐  大鵬展翅及垂直彎腰大鵬展翅各20下累計20-40  持續一分鐘累計各1-2次 
伏地挺身25  仰臥起坐25  累計各1-2次
O訂作高密度泡棉靶墊  改用最高密度縱列拔箭仍然非常吃力  左右框有金屬材質仍然不符合FITA規定  O說可用PVC管或橡皮水管包覆  小尺寸的可在家中練習
351師兄 Arco Sport Spigarelli 2001 弓身到埠  加重未到  試一 Hoyt Vector limb 太舊已有扭曲
O測箭離弦初速  99目前用70"WINEX 射32.1" X-pert箭176  177 f/s  借用351師兄ACE 28.6" 195  199 f/s  天痴師兄OK 66" + ACE 203  204 f/s  351師兄用我的弓射他的箭 212 f/s
箭速不穩定代表射姿不穩定  以 28.6" 位置推論目前Anchor 不確實加上被壓縮未足夠伸展時之箭長對應只有29"  未裁箭影響也蠻大的  裸弓Anchor 位於臉頰比起反曲弓位於下巴之拉距略長一些些  總之351 天痴師兄之力道都還蠻夠的  拉距理應最長的99則有待努力  肌耐力和射姿都須多加努力  下列為W&W WINEX 網頁上Speed of arrow 相關數字


This chart compares capacity of limbs being used the most recently. We adopted the medium level of length and strength, or 68" and 42.5 lbs. 27" draw to get the most common and reasonable result by narrowing error between the strong and the weak.

1) Speed of arrow is around 7 f/s faster than the G limbs. Generally, arrows get faster by 2 f/s per pound. In other words, in terms of speed, WINEX is similar to those limbs which are stronger by around 3 pounds compared to others.

'F' limb42.4 lbs197 f/s
'G' limb42.4 lbs196 f/s
'M' limb42.8 lbs200 f/s
'S' limb42.5 lbs198 f/s
WINEX42.5 lbs203 f/s
History of archery equipment development is in line with the improvement of speed all the time. You can see how meaningful to increase 1 foot from the following chart.
Speed Increase

bow weight

1 pound increased
about 2 f/s

draw length

1 inch longer
about 3 f/s

brace height

1cm lower
about 1 f/s

string strands

2 strands less
about 1 f/s

bow length

2 inch shorter
about 3 f/s


X7(2114) to X10(410)
about 6 f/s

握弓時就沉肩轉肘角度稍高一些較易轉肘  勾弦時手腕放鬆  舉弓時沉肩不動只有手臂上揚  Anchor之前頭部不動  Anchor之後持續3秒再鬆弦  做好Anchor順便練肌力
O  射學八部99目前修正重點  每一步之節奏要流暢穩定  如果姿勢不對就停下來從頭做起  (金水寧--只射好箭)
( 知識學習隨堂筆記 )
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