....Give me false color. Were not done yet. - But we are so screwed... - No, were not. - Charged, Petra? - No. I need two minutes. All fighters fall back. and surround Petras ship! Copy that. I want rings within rings. Layers upon layer. Every fighter we have! Ender, youre gonna leave our transporters defenseless! If were gonna win this battle, Dink, its all or nothing now! When the outer layer is hit, the wreckage will continue to drift with us, like a shield. Do it now!
("Hes abandoning his entire fleet." "Hes in command." "Theres no stopping him now.")
Ninety seconds, Ender! No, no... No! Im losing my carriers! My Dreadnaughts are out! I dont care about Dreadnaughts! Just protect Petra! Like we protected Alai when we fought Bonzo! I hope you know what youre doing. - Ready, Petra? - In 60 seconds! What am I aiming for? The planet. What? If we destroy the planet, we destroy the queens. Game over.
Ender, my targeting sensor needs a clear line of sight! We will clear a path! All fighters maintain a clockwise rotation! Focus all firepower forward! Ender, were entering their atmosphere! We need to slow down! We cant! Were one unit now. Were not equipped to handle the heat of passage through an atmosphere! Our drones are our heat shield. Keep falling. Let gravity do the work.
The shield wont hold forever! We dont need forever. Thirty seconds! I still dont have a clear shot. - Were burning up! - Bean, on my count, accelerate your fighters from the nose of the formation - in a continuous stream. - Yes, sir! Like bullets from a rifle, you will clear a visual for Petra! We will drill a hole through this swarm! Petra, you will only get a second. Thats all I need! In three, two, one... Now, Bean! Shield integritys at 5%! - Now, Petra! Now! - Seven seconds! Theyve broken the shield! Fire, Petra! Were out of time! - We did it! Yeah! - Yes!
劇中決戰時刻:Eder 命令所有的航艦為他的主力戰(炮)艦護航,做她的防護罩,阻擋敵軍的火力!一直到進入異星球的大氣,前面的戰艦持續燒毀一直到她的武器能量充滿,發射!他不惜犧牲整個艦隊(“Hes abandoning his entire fleet”),只為爭取一擊的機會!
Eder犧牲了整個艦隊(“Theyve broken the shield!”),僥倖做到了....