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【影響力】台籍醫師助美流浪漢重當發明家 故事轟動全美:今日基督教報
2013/05/21 13:06:29瀏覽1141|回應0|推薦21

一對天作之合的夥伴-陳榮良(圖左)與麥可威廉斯(圖右)的故事轟動全美。      (照片提供/Mike Williams)


(2013/5/14 上午 09:00:00 記者張嘉慧/美國報導)2 月中旬,美國記者知道加州當地有一位陳榮良醫師,幫助一位從發明家淪為街友的麥可.威廉斯(Mike Williams),重新站起來再拾發明恩賜,後來果真設計出提供街友和災民可舒適居住的「移動艙」(Pod)。於是記者開始調查這則故事的真實性,分別挖掘兩人的背景,結果證實了這個故事的真實性。

於是陳榮良與麥可的故事被記者「大作文章」,隔天成為美國最大發行量報紙之一的「洛杉磯時報」 (Los Angeles Times)當日頭條新聞,接著其它媒體紛紛跟進報導。一週後,美國知名電影公司決定將兩人故事搬上好萊塢大螢幕。

麥可從街友變回發明家的過程確實鼓舞人心,持續造成廣大迴響,如移動艙的發明已獲得美國白宮幕僚、加州州長及許多坊間企業等單位的回應,表明有意 合作,成為未來幫助街友和災民的工具。但故事的另一位主角,幫助麥可的台籍旅美醫師陳榮良,更成為美媒追逐的焦點,還一路從美國紅回台灣。


受基督徒母親影響深 內化施比受更為有福





當流浪漢遇見陳榮良… 激盪出轟動全美的故事

72歲的陳榮良(右二)和60歲的麥可(右三),善用各自恩賜展開救人新計畫。      (照片提供/Mike Williams)




然而,就在3年前,麥可因投資失利身家破產,豪宅也被拍賣,大難來時,妻子選擇遠走高飛,在這些無法控制的困境下不得已淪為街友,還經歷被劫且被 揍得半死的慘況。基督徒的他曾不解,以前從不吝熱心奉獻,為何神要讓他陷於這般苦難中?萬念俱灰之際也曾心生自殺念頭,是基督信仰支持他走過死陰幽谷。


第一台「移動艙」(Pod)即將問世,總面積為8*8*6英尺,約1.5個榻榻米大,其內設備完善,能給予街友及災民足夠的安全感。      (照片提供/Mike Williams)

陳榮良認為,60歲的麥可仍有餘力貢獻社會,於是鼓勵他東山再起,還自掏腰包租下一間套房,供應麥可過正常生活。擁有發明恩賜的麥可,首先想要幫助的就這是 無家可歸的人們,於是只花了3周的時間,就設計出解決街友和災民住宿問題的移動艙,並在陳榮良支持下,兩人成為合作夥伴,成立「Steps Housing Systems Inc.」公司,展開新的救人計畫。


不忘嘉惠台灣 電影將回老家嘉義取景

對受難者而言,以玻璃纖維材質打造,一體成型的移動艙就如「挪亞方舟」,給人足夠的安全感。艙內附設床、睡袋、櫃子、摺疊椅、收音機、LED燈、救生器材, 還有覆蓋太陽能板、暖氣、電風扇、化學處理的廁所,以及電腦和手機充電器,確實是「麻雀雖小、五臟俱全」。5月下旬第一台移動艙即將問世,每台造價3千至 5千美元。

陳榮良特地回台接受本報專訪,談及這段讓他做夢都沒想到的爆紅故事;手中拿著的,是移動艙的設計圖。      (攝影/記者張嘉慧)

「每一個國家都有街友問題,美國各大城市都存在著上萬名街友,他們常因為露宿街頭被凍死,或睡在垃圾箱內被壓死,更別說天災來臨時的臨時安置需要。」陳榮良表 示,對於這些需要不能視而不見,於是誕生了移動艙的構想。流落街頭時,曾棲身垃圾桶裡的麥可,曾窩在垃圾桶裡向上帝祈禱,移動艙的設計靈感也是由此而來。

陳榮良與麥可的故事獲本屆奧斯卡獎最佳影片《亞果出任務》製片團隊青睞,雙方已經簽約,將拍製成好萊塢電影。當初陳榮良還說:「我天天都在幫助 人,救人的命,這個算甚麼?」結果對方回應,美國現在充斥著負面新聞,已經許久沒有出現如此正面的消息,這是非常感動的故事,目前團隊已經募到3千萬美元 拍攝經費。



我相信,上帝使我親身經歷無家可歸的苦難,是為了「預備」我去幫助有同樣處境的人們。-麥可威廉斯(Mike Williams)

Homeless inventor, generous doctor are pod-ners in helping others


Mike Williams, an entrepreneur who had lost everything, met Dr. Jong Chen after being brutally beaten. Drawing on Williams' street smarts, they've teamed up to produce molded, durable survival pods.

January 21, 2013|By Lee Romney, Los Angeles Times
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  • Mike Williams, left, and Dr. Jong Chen head back to Sacramento after meeting with a fiberglass manufacturer that is making their molded survival pods for the displaced and homeless. Williams, an inventor with a number of patents, had lost everything, wound up homeless and crossed paths with Chen after a street beating required surgery.
Mike Williams, left, and Dr. Jong Chen head back to Sacramento after meeting… (Robert Durell, Los Angeles…)

SACRAMENTO — The smell of the blossoms had drawn Mike Williams to the rose garden sometime after midnight. Capitol Park security guards were scarce at that hour, and he hoped to get a little sleep.

At 60, the medical technology inventor and entrepreneur was homeless, his money gone, his 28-year marriage over.

But on that August night, things got worse: Williams was awakened by brutal kicks to his midsection. The thieves grabbed his backpack and laptop — which he'd been using to chronicle his unexpected journey.

When he was able, Williams stumbled two miles to an emergency room.

"My biggest fear was that I'd lose my faith," Williams said recently. "But it took those guys who beat me up for me to meet Dr. Chen."

A 72-year-old urologist with an easy laugh, Jong L. Chen later operated on the homeless man's damaged prostate — treating him "with total respect and love," Williams said.

Then Chen took a leap of faith.

Today, the two men are partners in a start-up venture that aims to use Williams' street insights to help others. Compliments of Chen, Williams also now has a roof over his head.

When they shook on the partnership, Williams did not let go.

"Do you mind if I just hold your hand for a minute?" he asked Chen. "Because I don't touch people anymore."


Short and stout with thick sideburns and sparkling blue eyes, Williams is full of gratitude these days, tearing up easily when chronicling what he has lost — and gained.

But then, hardship notwithstanding, he has always been prone to optimism.

Williams grew up poor in a small pink trailer in Pollock Pines, Calif., and was on his own by the time he was 14, working two jobs while attending high school. He served in Vietnam, then made his way to the San Francisco Peninsula, where his entrepreneurial spirit took flight.

During a dental checkup, Williams asked Dr. Ronald Asti if he had a camera that would let him peer inside patients' mouths. When the dentist said he didn't, Williams replied: "I want to make one."

The intra-oral camera he invented in the mid-1980s was "one of the best things to come around in dentistry," said Asti, who was Williams' business partner. "He was the leader."

But those brilliant ideas didn't necessarily translate into business success, Asti said.

Despite ample cash infusions from a local investor, their company did not reach profitability; in 1991 they sold to Canoga Park-based New Image Industries.

Five years later, Williams turned his next venture into the nation's second-largest manufacturer of intra-oral dental cameras, with more than $13 million in annual sales. But rapid revenue growth was outpaced by marketing and other expenses, and New Image snatched that one up too.

Williams' constant push to turn big ideas into bigger companies landed his family on a roller coaster of success and disappointment. At one point, they had to leave their plush Atherton, Calif., home — with its pool, tennis courts and horses — behind.

"There were a lot of ups and downs," said his daughter, Morgan White, now 29.

Not long after, Williams founded another dental technology venture and moved his family to a 10-acre Pollock Pines horse property. Then came the biggest loss of his career: His partner in that venture wound up joining with other investors to edge him out.

Williams finally turned to contract work.

"Mike was always positive and came up with new angles to keep the project running," recalled Yves Dossche, technology director for the Belgium-based firm Remedent, who spent several months with Williams working in Shenzhen, China, on his idea to use electro-luminescence to whiten teeth.

But the piecemeal work eventually dried up.

Caring for his aging in-laws, Williams fell deeper into debt. The bank foreclosed on the family's home in 2009. The Williams' marriage dissolved the next year.

"It took the fight out of me," Williams said.

He loaded a few belongings into his 2004 Nissan: a psychedelic Einstein tie he had bought in Shenzhen; the mug from his granddaughter, Lillie, that bears her image and the words "I Love You Papa." Then he drove off.

"I thought I'd find a job washing dishes and a place to live," he said.

It didn't happen.

Williams' three grown children helped when they could. Fellow homeless people taught him to navigate the streets. He even persuaded a restaurateur to leave him 3 a.m. food drops.

And he begged — "just to get enough, $15 or $20, and then I would cry," he said. "I would cry out of shame."

His world was the green dumpster where he slept, the alley where he prayed, the sun-soaked rosebushes near the fountain where he eventually was beaten.


Williams woke up "as they were kicking me, just stomping me." His Lillie mug was in a duffel bag that served as a pillow. That was safe.

( 時事評論人物 )
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