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婉君: 請按步驟1.點擊進入靈命日糧連結 1.《網路廣播平台》英文請點擊《odb.org》,Our Daily Bread, 選日期中文請點擊《Traditional-odb.org》,靈命日糧點推薦連結9, 或連結 11Google播客點播放2.讀經英文讀經,點Todays Scripture: 1 John 1:5-7中文讀經,點今日經文: 約翰一書1章5-7節3. 收聽英文點Download MP3,中文點下載語音檔案,跟著朗讀。建議用耳機幫助專心效果比較好4.英文經文廣播:https://www.biblegateway.com/ 5.如欲參考、或收聽其他經文廣播,在經文視窗Biblegateway.com 請點Bible Book List,在Bible Book List點您想要的舊約、新約聖經 6. 單字: google.com翻譯、發音、作筆記;點推薦連結10 今日經文: 約翰一書1章5-7節 全年讀經: 以西結書30-32章彼得前書4章 Bible in a Year: Ezekiel 30-321 Peter 4 基督的光上帝就是光。—約翰一書1章5節 在2011年密西根州的海蘭帕克市的路燈被關掉後,另一個光源──太陽能便開始受到重視。這個經濟景況不佳的城市因缺乏經費而無法支付公共設施的電費,於是電力公司關閉路燈,並拆除1,400支燈柱上的燈泡。這讓當地居民處於黑暗和危險之中,一位居民告訴記者﹕「你看,現在有幾個孩子正在上學的路上,沒有路燈,他們只好冒險走在街上。」 但人們成立了一個非營利機構,在海蘭帕克市安裝太陽能路燈,這樣的情況就大有改善。透過眾人的合作,這一個人道主義機構為海蘭帕克市節省龐大的電費,同時也提供居民所需要的光源。 在我們的信仰旅程中,那可靠的光源就是上帝的兒子耶穌。正如使徒約翰寫道﹕「上帝就是光,在祂毫無黑暗!」(約翰一書1章5節)約翰還進一步指出:「我們若在光明中行,如同上帝在光明中,就彼此相交,祂兒子耶穌的血也洗淨我們一切的罪。」(7節) 耶穌親自宣稱﹕「我是世界的光。跟從我的,就不在黑暗裡走,必要得著生命的光」(約翰福音8章12節)。有上帝所賜的聖靈引導我們所走的每一步,我們就絕不會在黑暗中行走,祂的光芒始終熠熠生輝。 反思和禱告你生命中曾有哪些黑暗的角落被耶穌的光照亮?
今天,你能向誰講述耶穌? 親愛的上帝,願祢的光照亮我生命的每個角落。
Christ’s Light Shines BrightGod is light. When the lights went out on the streets of Highland Park, Michigan, a passion for another light source—the sun—found a home there. The struggling town lacked funds to pay its utility company. The power company turned off the streetlights and removed the lightbulbs in 1,400 light poles. That left residents unsafe and in the dark. “Here comes a couple of children right now, on their way to school,” a resident told a news crew. “There are no lights. They just have to take a chance on walking down the street.” That changed when a nonprofit group formed to install solar-powered streetlights in the town. Working together, the humanitarian organization saved the city money on energy bills while securing a light source that helped meet residents’ needs. In our life in Christ, our reliable light source is Jesus Himself, the Son of God. As John the apostle wrote, “God is light; in him there is no darkness at all” (1 John 1:5). John noted, “If we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus, his Son, purifies us from all sin” (v. 7). Jesus Himself declared, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life” (John 8:12). With God’s Holy Spirit guiding our every step, we’ll never walk in darkness. His light always shines bright. Reflect & PrayHow have you experienced the light of Jesus in your life? Today, who can you tell about Him? Let Your light shine bright, dear God, in every corner of my life. 推薦連結: 9. 廣播連結 https://odb.org/2024/11/27/his-light-shines-bright https://traditional-odb.org/2024/11/27/基督的光 10 .中英翻譯 /our-new-naturehttps://www.obible.com/b5/ 14. 和合本有聲聖經 htt ps://www.biblegateway.com/resources/audio/ (英文) 15. https://ourdailydevotional24.com/24th-october-2021-our-daily-bread-devotional-talk-trust-feel 17.陪你讀聖經 一天一章
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「耶和華必審問他民中的長老和首領,說:吃盡葡萄園果子的就是你們;向貧窮人所奪的都在你們家中。」(以賽亞書3:14)(cony angry)
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