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2007/06/05 23:58:23瀏覽686|回應4|推薦23


Rosy(rosylovesyou) 於 2006/10/01 22:56 回覆: 

Thanks for your kind words.  I am always touched by the message you left.  However, I usually forget to back-up my computer and prevent it from the virus attacks.  This time I've lost my fictions again due to a damn virus and my ignorance.   Ha!

I thouroughly agree with your comments, and we don't want to waste our time with those who cannot understand our thoughts.  Those who find wrong meanings in simple things are corrupt without being charming.  Those who find true meanings in complicated conditions are the cultivated and the prophets.  They can instruct people with their writings and ideas.  I do believe we still can change a few people with all of our efforts.  For these there is hope.    

No writers desires to prove anythiing, and even things that are true and beautiful can be proved by writing and reading.  That should be what we gonna do while setting up our blogs.  All discussions are at once surface and symbol to life here.  On the other hand, articles are well writen, or badly written.  Those who go beneath the surface do so in the brink, and those who analyze the symbols do so in great peril.  We both are bloggers, spectators, and mirrors to each other in our words.  That is all.           

Bloggers read and write 'cause we are not alone. 


Rosy(rosylovesyou) 於 2006/11/25 03:48 回覆: 

Quantity can never be a problem.  Quality is the key, just like dealing with customers.  Customers would take it for granted that they pay more for products with good quality; on the other hand, I treat my families as my customers.  Once having claims from customers, I would try to improve the quality instead of offering the things they are in demand. 

I never compare my friends with families.  For example, my brother could never be one of my friends because he refuses to read literal books or to consider the meaning of human beings.  Money & promotion seems to be what he always thinks of.  I have many friends; however, I never treat them as my families due to the feeling of keepinig them at a distance.

ChungLi is merely a place where I grow up, not my home town.   

It's good to have your comments.


Rosy(rosylovesyou) 於 2006/11/10 03:15 回覆: 

I just have one home in Taipei, and that's why I envy you.  Perhaps Bitan (Xindian) is my backyard, for it's used to be my playground with my dog.  Ha!

How could you enjoy your trip?  As being a traveller, I guess you may not have quality time with your families.       




Rosy(rosylovesyou) 於 2006/11/29 02:45 回覆: 

I tried to reply to you twice but all failed.  Hope this time will work smoothly.

It's great to learn something from your comments.  As to the topic, I still have something different from your ideas regarding "desire".  

This amazing world reveals to be what I wonder and desire.  It's not just a demand of mental release or a requirement of physical enjoyment.  Desire the word is a "how to" key to one's life.  For example, desire to knowledge base to answer questions on control, management and understanding self, helping one deal, learn, know and master self, will be the motor to run an ideal life.  To the contrary, desire would be close to the tendency of jealousy. 

It's also a weird feeling all about desire. 

I guess I am not the one described in your conclusion concerning Taiwan's ethical problem.  Most people disregard righteousness and happiness for others, 'cause they do not care a thing concerning ethics, or they even do not know the exact meaning of ethical behavior.  Try to look at social version on everyday newspapers, and you'll feel down all day long.        

Media and the press reflect the real desire of human beings.  Ha




Rosy(rosylovesyou) 於 2006/11/25 00:49 回覆: 










Rosy(rosylovesyou) 於 2006/12/04 01:02 回覆: 





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~回覆Empty Traveler:
2007/06/09 16:03

First of all, I am grateful to your messages left below.  One writes alone, sometimes hindcasting, reversing his/her own views, and starting off finding somebody else out to help himself/herself get rid of difficult time.  That's all blogs could do for bloggers.    

Politicians & businessmen like this tend to reinforce people's prejudices, but for our dearest fellow pilgrims, we are struggling with such internet illness.  So we keep on posting our works, not just junk dialogues, ADLs, or murmur in life.  A literal man/woman cannot be an artist or a real philosopher.  Why shouldn't I be an artist in words and literature?  

Wish you do enjoy reading the dialogues here for a better day.  ha...

Empty Traveler
good one
2007/06/09 03:59

I like your following descrption, which is a good one to me :

"Bloggers read and write, because we are not alone"

Oftenly in life, thru "self-coaching", when one throughly described his/her "problems"

to others (same group of people in the pilgrimage ?) in details,

the answers seem to be ready within the descrption,

while, when one just works alone, sometimes it seems so hopeless to sort out meaning.

I think in a way, we are not waiting for enlightened preaching but probably 

finding the right physcotherapist(or spiritual guide) amongst the peer fellow pilgrims, 

who may or may not agree with you at all.

For me,  its a privilege enjoying all the dialogues; for better or worse :)

And, its also a vision to see and care the collected humanity that connects us all.

「你所抵抗的東西會持續存在,你所靜觀的東西會漸漸消失。」 ─與神對話

2007/06/06 02:20






2007/06/06 01:12


所以, "寫" 成了一件更難拿捏的功課.

我說的沒有慾望, 並不是沒有目標, 這個道理 至今我還是很難精確的用文字來描述.

也許, 就像你所提到的"聖誕"節慶,

若能把它當成一個藝術, 便能去"欣賞"它.

我在異鄉過節時, 就是這樣,

看到陌生人臉上的表情, 也算是一種溝通, 也許是更難得的溝通,那是跨階級, 跨文化, 跨種族的溝通.

沒錯, 過節 不就是讓人多有溝通的機會.

對我, 聖誕樹的佈置過程, 比成品值得珍惜.

因為, 許多飾品都是小孩與我們的回憶.


但是, 話說回來, 一張聖誕樹的相片, 也能讓我"回顧"那幾小時的對話,

那是難以用文字來紀錄下的 也許該錄影下來 但是 誰會去看幾小時的片子呢?

人, 都有他的故事, 這不就是"存在主義"所說的嗎?

我認為, 禪與存在主義 ,有許多地方是相通的.