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2021/11/27 12:18:12瀏覽653|回應2|推薦12

Yesterday I mentioned Thanksgiving in my writing. My wife and I spent whole Thanksgiving afternoon at my daughter’s home with her, her husband, and my two granddaughters.  We had Thanksgiving feast together, enjoying a spread of vegan meal without turkey meat.  (They did have a fake turkey made of white butter, ha!) 

People may always think those England immigrants should have given the thanks to native Indians who at first saved them from starvation with turkeys and other stuff.  But why those immigrants did not express their gratitude to Indians and that poor animal; instead, when they landed on their feet, they started to slaughter both of them?  (Some people of Taiwan do not eat beef because cattle used to be their main livelihood by laboring themselves so much in the fields for human beings.)

Perhaps those New Englanders "in God they trust" only.  They killed native Indians and turkeys to fulfill the mission and "privilege" that God bestow them, because except them nobody else could enjoy the grace from their God.

That is white Americans’ belief and mindset, and we must be always alert to it.   

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2021/11/27 22:16
更正 wonderful

2021/11/27 22:12
I had a wonerful Thanksgiving at my daughter's home and without turkey too. Ha!
Retiredbum(kkuo0810) 於 2021-11-28 10:31 回覆:
Good for you!!!