A German infantry division during WWII had three main groupings within its larger structure, the divisional staff, the combat elements and the back-line services. The divisional staff of the division was a part of the headquarters unit of the division. The divisional commander was the leader of the entire division. As such, the commander was in charge of all operations and employments of the division. But in order to function in this position, a divisional commander also needed the help of a staff that would in turn be responsible for a number of different aspects of the division. This staff would help to run and manage the daily affairs of the unit, being responsible for areas like supplies, transport, air liason, and combat support, as well as many others. The staff of most combat divisions was organized into three operational groupings. These three groupings were known as the following. 二戰德軍步兵師是由三大部分所組成:師部參謀、戰鬥單位和後勤單位。師部參謀是師團司令部的組成單位之一,師長則是整個師的指揮官並且負責整個師的部署與行動,但是為了順利遂行而必須有一群參謀針對各專業領域來協助師長指揮。這群參謀協助執行管理師團內各單位的相關日常事務比如:補給、運輸、聯絡空中支援以及戰鬥支援等,參謀群並分成三個領域如下:
Fuhrungsabteiling | Tactical detachment 作戰參謀群 | | Chief of Operations 首席一般參謀(作戰官)兼師參謀長 | | 1st Assistant Adjutant 作戰參謀 | | Chief Intelligence Officer 情報官 | | 3rd Assistant Adjutant 情報參謀 | Quartermeister | Supply group 補給後勤參謀群 | | Second General Staff officer 補給後勤官 | | 2nd Assistant Adjutant 補給後勤參謀 | | Weapons and Equipment Replacement Officer | | | | Division Assistant Adjutant 行政官 | | | | Division Veterinarian 師部獸醫 | | Division Chaplains 師部神職人員 | | | Adjutantur | Personnel group 人事參謀群 | | Division Adjutant (for Commisioned rank) 人事官(軍官) | | Division Adjutant (for non-Commisioned rank) 人事官(士官) | | Division Judge Advocate 軍法官 |
註:由上表得知師部參謀編制上分成四科如下 -
第一科(I.) [作戰/補給/情報] (Ia.)作戰官兼參謀長 (Ib.)補給後勤官 (Ib/WuG.)裝備後勤官 (Ib/Kfz.)輪車後勤官 (Ic.)情報官 第二科(II.)[人事] (IIa.)人事官(軍官)(IIb.)人事官(士官) 第三科(III.) [軍法] 第四科(IV.)[行政] (IVa.)行政官(IVb.)師部醫官(IVc.)師部獸醫(IVd.)師部神職人員(IVz.)財務官 Tactical group:(作戰參謀群)
The tactical group, otherwise know as the command post, consisted of the following positions. 作戰參謀群,又可視作師司令部,是由下列參謀所組成:
The Ia, otherwise known as the Chief of Operations. The Ia was the 1st General Staff officer in the division. He dealt with all areas of the command and tactical control of the units of the division as well as areas of leadership, training, transport, housing, air-raid protection, evaluation, presentation of combat options to the divisional commander, and also stood in as the divisional commander when the commander himself was not available. Ia又可稱作作戰官,在所有師部參謀中列為首席一般參謀。他負責該師所有單位的命令發佈與戰術控制例如領導、訓練、運輸、宿營、防空措施、評估、向師長陳述作戰方案,以及當師長無法視事時代理師長職務。
The O1, otherwise know as the 1st Assistant Adjutant. The O1 was the assistant to the Ia, and he took care preparing maps and the war diary of the unit, structuring and strenghting all units in the division, and communication with units near the division. O1作戰參謀,正式職稱為第一助理副官,作為作戰官的助理,負責事項有準備地圖和作戰日誌,組織與強化各單位,以及與附近各單位聯繫。
The Ic, otherwise known as the Chief Intelligence Officer. The Ic was the 3rd General Staff officer of the division, and as such, held a very vital and important postion in the staff of the division. The Ic was responsible for all matters that dealt with intelligence. He was in charge of gathering and presenting as much data on the enemey as possible by using as many means as feesible. All intelligence information was then used by the other members of the division staff to plan and execute combat and movement operations. This made the position of Ic very important to the operations of the division as a whole. The Ic also was in charge of the discipline and spiritual guidance of the men of the division. Ic情報官,在師部參謀中列為第三順位一般參謀,並在參謀中有著很重要的地位。情報官負責情報相關的所有事項,並且要想盡辦法蒐集有關敵人的相關資訊情報,因為這些情報是要提供給其他參謀作為計畫執行的基礎,故情報官可說是對於整個師的運作非常重要,同時情報官也負責全師官兵的行為指導。
The O3, otherwise known as the 3rd Assistant Adjutant. The O3, along with 1 or 2 interpreters, were used to assist the Ic in his intelligence activities. A mapping and cartography unit was subordinated to the position of O3, as well as a printing platoon. These units were used in map production and duplication etc. O3情報參謀,職稱為第三助理副官,與一兩位翻譯協同幫助處理情報官的交辦事項,在O3之下有個直屬的地圖測量單位,或稱地圖排,專門用於地圖製作和複製。
Also a part of the division staff were the division artillery commander, division engineer commander, division intelligence commander, air liason officer, etc, all for the intergration of the combat support elements of the divison into the larger framework of an effective offensive capable unit. 而另有師砲兵指揮官、師工兵指揮官、師情報指揮官或者空中支援聯絡官等可算入師部參謀中,這些為了戰鬥支援而編入的參謀官將編成更大的參謀群以有效遂行任務。
In combat, portions of this staff grouping would be located as far forward as possible to "command from the front" and would use personnel vehicles, radio trucks, motorcycles and messengers, etc, along with all types of communication and signals equipment to command the division and its elements. 作戰中,部分參謀群會盡量向前推進到所謂的「前進指揮所」,並且使用各種車輛、無線電車、機車或者傳令等以及各種通訊方法去下達命令到各單位。
Supply group:(補給參謀群)
The Ib, otherwise known as the 2nd General Staff officer. The Ib was responsible for the supply of the entire division and all matters of supply, movement of supplies, rations, ammo, etc, and the movement of wounded and prisoners. The Ib also was in charge of the movement of supply trains, deployment of construction facilities, traffic regualtion, and air-raid protection in the areas of the back-line services. Ib補給後勤官在師部參謀群中順位第二,負責師內與補給相關的所有事務例如:補給品運送、糧食和彈藥等等,另外還要負責傷兵與俘虜的後送。還有補給火車的行動、建築設施的部署、交通規定以及後方區域的防空事務也在負責範圍內。
The O2, otherwise known as the 2nd assistant adjutant to the Ib. The O2 was basically in charge of the back-line services, and aided the Ib in his duties. O2後勤參謀,正式職稱為第二助理副官,基本上負責後方部隊的任務遂行以及協助補給後勤官。
The Ib/WuG, otherwise known as the weapons and equipment replacement officer. The Ib/WuG (WuG = Waffen und Gerate, weapons and equipment) was responsible for the replacement, supply, and maintenance of all weapons, ammo, and equipment, as well as the moving of weapons and equipment that needed repair or transport and the establishment of distribution centers, testing new weapons and ammo, determining field-readiness of weapons and ammo, etc. 裝備後勤官,主管各項武器和裝備的補給。負責各種武器裝備彈藥的更新補給和維修,以及那些必須後送維修的武器裝備,還有建立補給分發中心,測試新的武器彈藥,決定武器彈藥的戰備存量等等。
The Ib/Kfz, otherwise known as the division engineer. The Ib/Kkz was responsible for all matters dealing the replacement, supply and maintenance of motor vehicles, tires, parts, fuel, etc. 輪車後勤官,負責全師車輛的補給維修以及備品零件等等事宜。
The IVa, otherwise known as the division assistant adjutant. The IVa was the superior troop officer of all administrative and supply services. 行政官,職稱是師助理副官,是所有後方行政補給部隊的主管。
The IVb, otherwise known as the division surgeon. The IVb was the commander of all medical services in the entire division. As such, he was in charge of all aspects of the medical condition of the troops and staff, as well as the movement and placement of wounded and the hospitals and field stations that cared for them. 師部醫官,也是全師醫療單位的主管,負責各單位的醫療相關事務,並且負責傷兵安置、野戰醫院與急救站的設置等事宜。
The IVc, otherwise known as the division veterinarian. The IVc was in charge of all matters dealing with the care, maintenance, supply and movement of the animals of the division, either for food use or for transport use. 師部獸醫,主管全師內所有禽畜(不論是食用或者運輸用)的補給安置等事宜。
The IVd, otherwise known as the division chaplains. The IVd served the troops and staff in all matters regarding spiritual aspects. Two division chaplains served each division, a Catholic and a Protestant. The commander of the division was their direct superior in the unit. 師部神職人員,主管全師各單位的宗教事宜,分成天主教(神父)與基督教(牧師)各一位,並直接隸屬於師長。
The IVz, otherwise known as the staff paymaster. The IVz was in charge of all aspects of pay for the officers and troops of the division, as well as the accounting and financial matters of the unit. 財務官,主管全師官兵的薪給以及全師的會計財務事宜。
Personnel group:(人事參謀群)
The IIa, otherwise known as the division adjutant. The IIa took care of all matters dealing with replacements, personnel matters of officers such as promotions, decorations, punishments, etc, as well as the rosters, war rolls, and lists of losses. 人事官,正式職稱為師副官,主管所有軍官階層的相關事務如晉升、嘉獎、懲處等等,另外也負責各種造冊等事務。
The IIb, otherwise known as the division adjutant for non-commissioned ranks. He took care of the same things as the IIa, but in relation to the non-commissioned ranks. 副人事官,負責事務同人事官,但僅以士官階層為限。
The III, otherwise known as the division judge advocate. The III was in charge of overseeing things relating to court-martial and legal cases. The III was in charge of legal cases in which normal discipline by commanding officers could not be used, usually because of the issue of the case at hand. All soldiers below the level of captain could be brought up on charges through the judge advocate. All those with a rank higher than captain would be tried by higher level courts. Offenses that could bring one up on charges included refusal to obey orders, theft, rape, robbery, treason, plundering, murder of civilians, sabotage, self-mutilation, disobedience, and unauthorized leaves. Sentances could range from forced service at the front, to service in special penal correctional units, to the death sentance. 師部軍法官,主要負責軍事法庭與法律相關事務,並且負責一些一般用不到主官的案件。上尉以下的官兵被控訴時均會被帶到軍法官前,控訴通常有例如拒絕從命、偷竊、強姦、強盜、叛國、侵佔、謀殺平民、破壞、自殘、抗命以及不假離營。懲處通常從前線強迫勞動或者被調往特殊懲罰單位,甚至是死刑。
The personnel group also contained the registry with notaries for incoming and outgoing commands, secret command matters, record keeping, etc, as well as a commandant of the staff quarters who was responsible for the establishment of the division staff quarters, food, lodging, security, etc for the entire command staff. 人事參謀群也通常包含幾位負責紀錄往來命令或者機密命令日誌的文書,這些都由一位負責參謀宿營的指揮官負責,他同時也負責整個師部參謀的飲食起居和警衛事宜。 |