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2006/02/24 15:40:43瀏覽2008|回應0|推薦5


All German airborne maritime units, be they coastal or shipborne, were Luftwaffe manned & Luftwaffe controlled. However, with these maritime air units controlled by the Luftwaffe were observers from the Kriegsmarine seconded to the Luftwaffe for a four year period. Thus, the German Kriegsmarine did not actually control its own maritime air units during WWII.

Until 1939, all airborne maritime units came under the control of the OKL-Führer der SeeLuftstreitekrafte, which worked in close co-operation with the Kriegsmarine but was controlled directly by the Luftwaffe High Command. In 1939, the OKL-Führer der SeeLuftstreitekrafte was disbanded and replaced by the General der Luftwaffe beim Oberkommando der Kriegsmarine (Ob.d.M). This office was abolished in 1944 and responsibility for the remaining coastal and maritime units was placed under the control of the General der Aufklärungsflieger. Earlier in the war with the expansion of German occupied territory, coastal and maritime units were subordinated to the respective Fliegerkorps or Fliegerführer for operational purposes.


Of all the Luftwaffe controlled coastal and maritime units, the unit most closely intergrated with the Kriegsmarine was Bordfliegergruppe 196 (BFGr 196). Bordfliegergruppe 196 was formed in 1937, and went on to control a total of 6 staffeln. These 6 staffeln provided the aircraft used on various Kriegsmarine naval ships, such as the Bismarck and Tirpitz, and on the various German Cruisers, as well as many others. These aircraft took part in various reconnaisance, courier, patrol, and air support missions, although their task was mainly to serve in the recon role for the ship they served on. There are many documented cases of these reconnaisance-oriented aircraft actually engaging in air-to-air combat and combat air sweeps, so they did indeed see action in many different roles. The pilots of these onboard aircraft were controlled, trained, and provided by the Luftwaffe, while the Kriegsmarine provided liason support for the pilots, their training, and the ships they were stationed on.

(大意)在這些海軍航空單位中,與海軍最密切合作的莫過於BFGr. 196(196艦載偵察大隊)。該大隊於1937年編成,下有六個中隊並配屬給不同的海軍艦隻上,從俾斯麥號戰艦到各級巡洋艦等都有。這些航空單位執行著各種不同的任務如:偵察、傳令、巡邏和空中補給等,而在不少文件中也提到這些原本作為偵察用途的軍機事實上也參與不少空對空作戰和空域掃蕩,所以他們的角色是很多樣化的。空軍提供飛行員和訓練,海軍則提供聯繫、後續訓練和駐點的船隻,兩者可說是合作無間。

Onboard aircraft were of mainly the floatplane type. They were stored above deck, usually within the center region of the ship on a small catapult used to launch the aircraft into the air. Upon completion of an onboard planes mission, it would land in the water near the side of the ship, after which an onboard crane would lift the aircraft out of the water and store it back in its launching place above deck.


The Luftwaffe also controlled the aircraft planned for use on the German Kriegsmarine aircraft carriers under contruction during WWII, all of which never reached completetion and never saw active service.


Further outside the realm of the Kriegsmarine, but close enough to maritime operations to warrent discussion here, were the various Luftwaffe controlled units that took part in anti-shipping attacks, coastal and sea reconnaisance, air-sea rescue, coastal patrol, and sea-minesweeping operations. The following is a listing of many of the Luftwaffe units that took part in all types of Sea related operations.

  • Bordfliegergruppe 196 (196艦載偵察大隊)
  • Kampfgruppe zur besonderen Verwendung 108(108特殊轟炸大隊=108運輸大隊)
  • Küstenfliegergruppe 106 (106海岸偵察大隊)
  • Küstenfliegergruppe 406 (406海岸偵察大隊)
  • Küstenfliegergruppe 506 (506海岸偵察大隊)
  • Küstenfliegergruppe 706 (706海岸偵察大隊)
  • Küstenfliegergruppe 906 (906海岸偵察大隊)
  • Küstenflieger-Ergänzungsstaffel 138 (138海岸偵察訓練補充中隊)
  • Minensuch-Gruppe 1 der Luftwaffe (空軍第一掃雷大隊)
  • Seeaufklärungsgruppe 125 (125水上偵察大隊)
  • Seeaufklärungsgruppe 126 (126水上偵察大隊)
  • Seeaufklärungsgruppe 129 (129水上偵察大隊)
  • Seeaufklärungsgruppe 130 (130水上偵察大隊)
  • Seeaufklärungsgruppe 131 (131水上偵察大隊)
  • III./KG100 (100轟炸機聯隊第三大隊-專司反艦任務)
  • 1. and 3./KG200(200轟炸機聯隊第1,3中隊-專司反艦任務)

    The Luftwaffe had many types of maritime aircraft within its arsenal. The following aircraft could be found operating from Kriegsmarine ships or in coastal and maritime related operations. (以下是海軍航空單位所使用的機型列表)

    Ship based aircraft:(艦載飛機)

    Heinkel He60C  (偵察機)
    Arado Ar196A-3 (偵察機)
    Heinkel He114A-2 (偵察機)
    Arado Ar197 (偵察機)
    Fiesler Fi167 (偵察機)
    Junkers Ju87B (俯衝轟炸機)
    Messerschmidt Bf109T (戰鬥機)
    Arado Ar195 (偵察機)

    Other maritime aircraft: (其他海軍航空單位)

    Heinkel He115 (偵察機)
    Fokke-wolf Fw200 Condor (巡邏轟炸機)
    Blomm und Voss Bv222 (偵察機)
    Blomm und Voss Bv138 (偵察機)
    Junkers Ju88 (轟炸機)
    Heinkel He111 (轟炸機)
    Junkers Ju290 (轟炸機)
    Donier Do18 (轟炸機)
    Donier Do24 (偵察機)
  • ( 時事評論國防軍事 )
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