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2008/07/20 16:07:54瀏覽17338|回應7|推薦18 | |
白麵包。 這是加拿大一家電視台的報導,供大家參考(隨手翻,翻得不好請指正): Sourdough bread may be better than whole wheat Updated Mon. Jul. 7 2008 4:50 PM ET The Canadian Press The type of toasted bread we eat for breakfast can affect how the body responds to lunch, a researcher at the University of Guelph has discovered. 加拿大一所大學教授發現我們早餐吃的烤麵包會影響我們身體對午餐的反應。 Prof. Terry Graham, a scientist who specializes in carbohydrates, has been looking into the health benefits of various types of bread. 葛拉漢教授針對不同麵包對健康的助益做研究。 "One of the surprising things in our work is that whole-wheat products turned out to have the least healthy responses of all, and this is not what we expected," he said in an interview. 「最讓我們驚訝是,也是非我們所期待,在我們的研究中,全麥產品竟然是最沒有健康反應的產品。」 Using white, whole wheat, whole wheat with barley and sourdough white breads, Graham and his team of researchers examined how subjects responded after eating the bread for breakfast and again just hours after eating a standard lunch. 葛拉漢和他的團隊使用白麵粉、全麥麵粉、全麥混大麥麵粉與sourdough白麵粉共四種麵包,檢驗它們在早餐吃下肚後的反應,還有數小時後吃下一頓標準午餐後的反應。 The 10 male subjects, who were overweight and ranged between 50 and 60 years old, showed the most positive body responses after eating sourdough white bread. Those positive responses remained even after eating a second meal that didn't include bread. 十個過重、年紀在五十到六十歲之間的受測男性在吃下sourdough白麵包後顯示最佳反應,這些最佳反應甚至持續到沒有包含麵包的第二餐後。 "With the sourdough, the subjects' blood sugar levels were lower for a similar rise in blood insulin," says Graham, whose findings are being published in the British Journal of Nutrition. 食用sourdough白麵包,受測者的血糖在相同的血液胰島素上升下比較低。 "What was even more interesting was that this positive effect remained during their second meal and lasted hours after." 有趣的是這些正面影響持續到受測者的第二餐及數小時後。 He says that it's likely that the fermentation of the sourdough changes the nature of the starches in the bread, creating a more beneficial bread. 葛拉漢教授說,可能是sourdough白麵包的sourdough發酵時改變了麵包裡澱粉的自然結構,形成比較有益的麵包。 And while sourdough came out on top, the whole-wheat varieties used in the study came out on the bottom, even below white bread. 當sourdough成為第一名,全麥麵包和相關產品在研究中卻吊車尾,甚至在白麵包之後。 The whole-wheat bread caused blood sugar levels to spike and these high levels lasted until well after lunch. 全麥麵包使得血糖指數急速上升而且持續到午餐後。 Graham said the less positive blood responses sparked by the whole wheat are likely due to the fact that the milling process involved in making the whole-wheat bread used in the study is similar to that used for white bread. 葛拉漢說這些全麥麵包引發的不好的反應可能和小麥磨製成麵粉過程中,全麥麵分和白麵粉是相同的有關。 "The parts of the grain like wheat germ and bran that have the health benefits are taken out to create white flour and then partially added back to make whole wheat," he says. 穀物中對人體有益的胚芽和麥麩在製造過程中被取出以製造白麵粉,之後再拿白麵粉加入部分胚芽和麥麩以製造全麥麵粉。葛教授說 "Based on the findings of this study, as well as a followup study using whole grains rather than whole wheat, we are learning that the best way to get these nutrients is through whole grain, not whole wheat." 根據這項研究的結果,後續一個研究使用全穀物和全麥的研究,我們學到使用全穀物才能獲得最佳營養,而非全麥。(註:全穀物應是以小麥或相關麥類直接研磨成麵粉,不添加也不取出任何部分,保持穀物原有且全部的成分) Graham says that he and his team assumed that standard white bread would be less beneficial "and everything would be better than that." 葛拉漢說,他和他的團隊假設標準白麵包對健康是比較少助益,而且其他產品都比它好。 "In fact, the whole wheat and the wheat plus barley turned out to be the least healthy." 「結果,全麥和全麥混大麥麵包成為最不健康的。」 Graham cites recent literature mainly from Scandinavia suggesting that either the sourdough leavening or even taking organic acids and adding them to the dough itself could have some positive benefits in terms of metabolic response. 葛拉漢引述北歐文獻建議,不論是使用sourdough 酵母發酵或是以有機的醋酸加入麵糰裡,對新陳代謝的反應有都助益。 "And so that was our logic for incorporating a sourdough design and to facilitate a comparison would be to use an identical bread recipe but use sourdough starter instead of the standard yeast," he says. 因此,那就是我們設計加入sourdough做為對比,在同一固定配方使用sourdough starter取代商業酵母的邏輯。 Sourdough bread is raised with a leaven of flour and water in which wild yeasts have been encouraged to grow by keeping it warm and allowing it to ferment over a period of days. During this time, it sours and develops a characteristic tangy flavour. sourdough麵包是以麵粉加水且是被飼養在溫暖的地方的野生酵母做為酵母,而且經過長時間發酵。在發酵期間它會變酸而且產生特別的風味。 Graham says the research is ongoing to find out what it is about sourdough that does this. 葛拉漢說,這研究將繼續發現sourdough是怎麼形成這樣的結果。 "And secondly if sourdough is good, what about other types of bread such as whole grain?" 其次,如果sourdough是好的,那麼其他,比如全穀物sourdough 麵包呢? Linda Haynes, former owner and now a consultant at ACE Bakery in Toronto, says she is amazed at Graham's findings and says "it is exciting that sourdough could prove to be a health benefit." http://www.ctv.ca/servlet/ArticleNews/story/CTVNews/20080707/sourdough_study_080707/20080707?hub=Health |
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