Java 只有 native code 才是 C (or assembly language) code.
但是 Object C and C++ 其實都是 C anyway, after all, a method call of an object is just a C function call with extra "this" parameter. All the so called "objected-oriented" stuff can be translated to C, e.g. mangled function name for method name of a class, overloaded operators, template, etc.
Granted, it is always arguable which language is better, but obviously C++ has more weight and support than Object C - at least industry wise. So, if C++ is more "mainstream", why Object C? Well, we have to know the little disgusting history that Object C was the programming language for Steve Jobs' NeXt operating system. Does that ring the bell?
We also know that no 3rd party development tool can compete with Apple in terms of integrating with Apple's frequently updated libraries, iOS, etc.
There are development tools or frameworks that claim to be portable to all platforms, but there is no way it can perform equally well or feature-rich on each one of the supported platforms. Nothing can compete with the "officially supported", "latest" and the most "integrated" development tools and/or even the programming languages by the dominant company. Granted, Google is doing the same thing, but hey, Google just does it the mainstream way: Java and eclipse and open source for free!
More importantly, why do "smart" developers (contrast to idiotic Apple fans) need to buy an expensive Mac in order to develop an iOS app running on a device that is NOT Mac-compatible at all? That is a big lie and joke. Apple is too lazy, too snobby to develop a multi-platform development tools (like eclipse) and just simply want to sell more Macs - even to developers.