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lasting psychological burden
2015/06/10 10:16:35瀏覽176|回應0|推薦0
I really did not dare to think, and every western seafood restaurant hong kong one of the assumptions made me endless pain. The feeling of the world after nothing but two kinds of results, leaving and eternal. Is a pity, one is not regret, two are hard heart, people always stay in your heart is the one. Time flies, little lonely stop forward. Fortunately, many stories of sadness will pass, you are no longer own brand-new, the load become a kind of lasting psychological burden Royal Romance.

Some time still want to know the end, rocking chair temples pale, strolling hand in hand through the sunset. Wrinkled clouds, you don't in the beautiful, we speak of the story, listen to you sing the ditty, love a person simply, much good!

Contradiction in life, I do not know which day, which person went into your life, she gradually blurred in your memories, becoming a daydream. And then met a person who spent a lifetime with oneself, love and not love, a lifetime or very short. One day and night dating, is a lonely company, is also a kind of spiritual home. Perhaps the last to understand who you love most about the life of the people, have no regret!
( 心情隨筆心情日記 )
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