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some women said nervously
2015/08/10 12:05:43瀏覽189|回應0|推薦0

The hot sun, a young woman holding the umbrella carrying bag, and walked slowly down the side of the road. She gasped for heat you beauty, hot dry mouth, throat forehead cheeks full of sweat. This is the first time that a woman came to this place.

The dust on the road a lot, not many pedestrians and vehicles run, could hardly breathe. Woman wu wear nose and mouth, frowned, the umbrella side by side, blocking dust that came.

Think of to ask the way that route, so that the woman, she didn't remember to go to the left or right. Woman to wipe the face, looked up to see the eyes to the left and decided to go to the left. Such as walking to the end, it was not what prison interface. Some woman too tired to panic, rubbed his legs on the side of the road poles, today has gone far enough.

To rest for a few minutes, the woman walked backwards you beauty, she sighed, thinking about if began to walk on the right will not be so tired. Women walk while see, finally see what LaoJie. The woman breathe a sigh of relief, happily walked towards it. Is now at four o 'clock in the afternoon.

Women look for a few minutes to go by LaoJie, decided to go in and have a look. LaoJie centers have three people, a man two women. A beautiful woman looked up and asked her what's the matter, some women said nervously looking for work, beautiful women want her to find the man. So the man took her out and handed her a piece of table, called her to fill in. Woman carefully looked at the watch, feel some not fill in, but don't want to ask again, the man is on the phone? Women take to write one's first cover, will fill, fill out to the man.

Men still on the phone mask house, to press the table aside. Women some uneasy, nervously stared at the table. Men play phone, looked at his watch asked where she used to work, women wanted to think, say there is no work. The man looked at his watch again, told the woman to fill height taller and women although doubts, or according to fill out. Man asked him if he want to go to xyz factory woman confused, she don't know the factory is doing, she what all don't know. Man and he said, the bag eats encase factory work also easy wage base salary can get 23000 1800 yuan a month.

Women think it is ok, but still hesitate, that is what to do? Men didn't speak, waiting for a while, and make a phone call, follow up and asked the women a go or not. The woman not sure to promise. Man call the woman gave him 220 yuan, said it was a referral fee mask house, women tricky, but still gave him, her only 100 more fast. Men receipt to her, call her tomorrow 12 noon to come to here, take her to the interview. Woman walked, backpack seems to be more heavy, pressed her more short.
( 心情隨筆心情日記 )
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