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so there is no defense bar
2015/07/13 10:00:50瀏覽168|回應0|推薦0
The next cat last night like tonight no balcony affectionate howl DaaS Provider, on the opposite side of the fire brigade had shortness of attendance whistle.

Tonight, the rain is the protagonist.

Under the rain, especially if it is urgent, urgent and the intimacy of earth after being apart a long time. The pedestrian behavior directly on the bold defiance, speeding cars and the neon lights near.

Rain, I like to sleep in the open window, listening to their secret: a rapid after long silence, like in a whisper. Then it is tapping a rapid, like in the quarrel or abuse.

I think like peeking into a pair of young lovers flirting. I'm more curious about my patience which to listen to their repeated several times causeway bay service apartment.

Remember with small partners are bent to steal their own corn, sweet potato for children's fun when I hate rain, who lived in the north, catcher in the street before no road everywhere is bare loess, sunny wind is the dust flying all over the sky, rainy day is puddles, a muddy road, walk outside a circle with one foot mud at home, quasi will be scolded by mom.

Came to Shanghai, in the rain a year up to 136 days of the city, although the rainy season after the typhoon weather, but I began to slowly like rain Chinese business culture, exactly said is very like rainy weather.

Like the rain walk, likes wet sweater free and easy, like the fresh air after the rain, like a pair of feet is the rain washes the shiny stone road.

I always forget to take an umbrella, not forget, but deliberately.

Probably because like, so there is no defense bar!

I have seen the weather forecast for the night before, but because I did not go out in the morning, to the evening, when I was "in time" came to the door of the company.

Rain smaller, simply pour a crowded bus or was poured into the underground, the rain had to rush to the near daily stop spend ten dollars to buy an umbrella, a month down home imperceptibly more than three or four umbrella, umbrella surface are the same color, multiple births.

I think, every time they see me and bring back one, afraid of the very despise me, or will complain about the new to the umbrella will take up their not spacious place. I know that is "passionate" caused by their grievances label applicator hk.

So, I will smile to say "SORRY", and then put down a new umbrella.

Perhaps, when I have a day to leave this rainy city, I will open an umbrella shop, and the customer said, please cherish it.

Because, each to be softened before the umbrella has a story of rain.
( 心情隨筆心情日記 )
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