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Secondly, sports and thinking
2015/08/18 10:47:15瀏覽216|回應0|推薦0
At four am, I had a run of more than twenty minutes, and the distance from the country to the town coolfire iv.

Four, walk out of the village dogs had no day, noisy, just smell the dog barking and far car sound. This is an excellent time not to put down, the surrounding darkness is not bad, to temporarily forget the eyes you rely on, with the ears to capture what you are familiar and unfamiliar things, as long as the heart, you will find a world, the world of vision.

At this moment, we need a kind of feeling, I call it the "four points of feelings".

First of all, it's quiet. This need to shield many senses, leaving only a sense, which often requires a high degree of concentration. Don't need too much thinking, that is, focus. Do two things at one time, no distractions and concerns rarely, believe that friends have experience as a blind man. When we play, we have to believe in what we are and what we are, to enlarge our senses, to capture and record information You beauty.

Darkness helps you to enlarge the senses, and even a hot one cold, subtle changes in the static action, clear in mind. It takes me ten minutes to listen to the sounds of nature, and it is a pleasure to be a kind of practice. For a long time, will have some interesting changes, such as hear dogs barking, you will feel that they and others say the words is, natural and not in violation.

Someone asked me, a person in the night not afraid of it? On the contrary, it brings me the peace of mind. Fear exists in the suspicion of the unknown, when you muster the courage to understand it, once you know the truth, you laugh and cry, exclamation: Oh, unexpectedly is so!

The beauty of the world is not that you can't find it, but you're just ten minutes from the quiet.

Secondly, sports and thinking. I like to jog and think about mask house. Running is to be healthy, thinking is to life.

Reflect on the mistakes of yesterday and found the progress of today. Self-examine my body, lack of knowledge and backward. The correct process is like carving, from coarse to fine, can do what step, not exciting? I often say that life, smart living, just learn to enjoy, enjoy in distress, enjoy in the absence of pain. All taste, always try again.

In addition to introspection, we have to think about things that we have forgotten. This is not just yesterday, but life. Affection, friendship, love...... No one can guarantee perfect do wrong, only try to make up for, Mo to be Time passes very quickly. toawaken. Yesterday, I suddenly remembered the parents of white hair, in the hearts of the pain, back home from the hair message to my father, I said: Good morning, parents.

After every day to do so, I hope that parents can leave such a bitter heart.

In the end, it is a concern of the society You beauty .

Do you know when you wake up in the small town? No lights, steam is not a breakfast shop, but the day is unknown, a group from the side of the car roared electric frequency. Do you know the reality of life? A woman sitting in a small bench under the bridge, holding a wooden several hours repair No one shows any interest in it. Do you know the fun of the mother? At least I was surprised, square dance has been popularized to such a point, the early Qing Dynasty, a row of good team.
( 心情隨筆心情日記 )
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