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utter not a single word
2015/10/29 09:57:19瀏覽319|回應0|推薦0
In in this with a dismal season, alone a person driving a leaf boat, across the vast boundless lake environment, can not help but have some other flavor.

Here, in the wind. Rain, come, fish dance. Flowers, open, with color, with a delicate fragrance,

With the nature of the story; I laugh reenex , can breathe, can be gently singing, hard to perceive this autumn, the water in the lake and the nature.

Autumn morning, is elegant.

In a flash, the sun is shining, the heart is warm. Feel the breath, feel the time, feel the life, is a kind of self-confidence, a kind of strength, because this new day, not just fall. When people have a broad mind, in fact, there is no fear, everything is like this autumn morning, in the heart, as far as possible, in the elegant.

The voice of autumn is clear.

Autumn leaves, dancing and flying, fell on the lawn, fall in the water, even fall in the heart. It, neither overbearing nor servile, because he knows the existence and significance of life; autumn, dedicated to float in the air, don't panic not impatient, because it has to understand life is a state of mind and tolerance; Qiu Ju reenex, leisurely bloom, wordless, because the soul is clean, simple and beautiful. No years of sadness, only time mottled mark. Because it already knows the existence and the meaning of life.

Autumn, clinging to float in the air, do not panic impatient,

Because it has understood life is a state of mind and tolerance; I hold the oiled paper umbrella, stretch out a hand, feel a drop of a drop, with a tender and delicate rain, tapping on the palm of the hand, it can seem Liao, my heart all the dirt, let a person feel, very relaxed, as if all earthly things does not exist. Life, rarely such a mood, such a state of mind

Chrysanthemum, leisurely bloom, utter not a single word,

For its soul is clean, simple and beautiful. Without years of sad, only time mottled marks; there is no earthly sorrow, only life does not have regret trajectory; no so-called hypocritical and impetuous, only their own whims and soul pure.

Pick an autumn leaf, placed between the pages, let it melt in the text, to melt in the warm feelings,

Melt in this quiet happiness. Looked up, staring at the autumn autumn autumn, listening, understanding, gradually, he is this autumn!

Autumn, is a pure heart lake. Jianjia gray, White Dew frost, autumn Yan and went, how to where; reeds lush, White Dew is not yet dry, morning Mugu and clock, sound of Yao interest free; Jianjia tsetse, Bailu and how this has, solitary boat and ferry, unmatched staff Li reenex.

( 心情隨筆心情日記 )
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