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I was always the one
2016/09/10 14:42:13瀏覽226|回應0|推薦0
Sometimes it’s hard for me to believe that there was a time in my life when I could be counted on for never, ever being late.

In fact, I could usually be counted on to arrive early.

to get there first and buy the movie tickets or secure the table for the group.

Not so much these days hong kong travel tips.

Case-in-point: I am seriously (hopefully not inexcusably late) for World Nutella Day.

(Hangs head in shame.)

Before I beg for your forgiveness, let’s take a moment to thank Sara of Ms. Adventures in Italy and Michelle of Bleeding Espresso for creating this event. As the World Nutella Day site says: they had a dream and a spoon (and a jar of Nutella – thankfully).

Celebrated on February 5th (yes … yes … I’m very late), this event allows Nutella lovers the world over to rasie their spoons and unite in mutual appreciation of this delicious treat Туризм Гонконг.

Notice I said “spoons”. If you administer your Nutella with a knife, there is no place for you in my life hong kong local tour.

To atone for my tardiness, I was hoping that these doughnuts filled with Nutella might suffice.

What say you?

The doughnut recipe is from Joanne Chang’s Flour: Spectacular Recipes from Boston’s Flour Bakery + Cafe. You can find the recipe on Epicurious as well.

I piped some glorious Nutella into the warm doughnuts and pretty much never looked back. 
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