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no background and then
2015/10/15 10:20:52瀏覽161|回應0|推薦0
"The poor were afraid" in the countryside You beauty, we must have heard the word, it is like a curse deeply troubled by our fathers. No ability, no knowledge, no family. Only the yellow face back up parents, by those who live under the money to save money on food and expenses. Poor fear, this is what I often heard in my hometown, but the rural people are not willing to admit it. In the face of the poor, the extreme social people tend to be divided into two levels, or revenge society, or become independent of the society. But in the existing 90, it seems that no one has recognized the word!

Breakdown of what we roughly 90 growth: was born that would have been the reform and opening up, not said enough to live comfortably, at least not starve to death, when the child eaten lard in soup, but also than their parents strong; when the school is following the advent of the information age, rapid development; reform and opening down and globalization make 90 no concept of the poor.

A lot of people say that after 80 after the parents of the children, the uncle aunt uncle aunt and other words are strange. As everyone knows 90 after 90 itself is the only child generation, in addition to their parents, many people are not exposed, because there is no brother, which is why 90 after the terrible or mature, or naive sad source.

After 80 is finally a group of poor people You beauty, so it is known as the beat generation, 90 is the first batch of poor people, so regarded on brain damage of a generation. Actually? 80 did not fall, after 90 no residual.

Poor afraid of the 90 should be separated, not poor, not afraid of the. And the parents of the rural areas are often lack of money, once the people missing what to think. What is the father considered most? We can't finish it today, we can stay till tomorrow. This is a typical weakness, let fathers dilemma. But after 90 is not the same, this is what I often tell my students, you put down more, so more, I am here with you, and you come to listen to my lecture the fundamental reason.

Parents lack of money so vicious circle, we lack of money so we have no concern. Parents didn't have money, can only consider the daily necessities, we have no money but you can open the field of vision; parents didn't have money, so afraid to let it go to Bo. We have no money, but can be very hard to. So the parents did not become rich generation Medosan, 80 have become entrepreneurs, but 90 has become a generation now break the normal procedure.

Father was short of money and lack of ambition, saying that the poor will short. Many things are relative, so parents often worry about trifles, lack of ambition is a await urgently necessary condition. On the contrary the 90 personality, very few people because there is no knowledge, no background and then.

In a flash, 80 after the past, time is often over the past will be found soon. Perhaps 80 also feel that time every day, and now after 90 also. One of the founders of the era, a break even thinking of the age of the thought, a time to create a grassroots can be useful, this time has come.

And entrepreneurship is not caused by the gap between the rich and the poor, I once said: after a number of years, the original small, the neighbors would have the huge difference. In fact, this is not the wrong after 90, wrong some people know how to appreciate the competitiveness of society. But some people don't have the thought, how is the time who can starve to death? As long as people do not starve to death, you can live a bully, can not you?

The age of the entrepreneur, not the era of pyramid schemes, entrepreneurs, is not a liar's time, the entrepreneur's time, is not the time to fool your money. This is our 90 years, this is us to break the "poor" Curse of the age.
( 心情隨筆心情日記 )
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