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Rouqingsishui, heart rate
2015/06/03 15:03:16瀏覽227|回應0|推薦0
I also like the station wheezing in the text, in a love of the truth, I have long lead. Like the open shell wrapped dispersed plump, fresh fruits Royal Romance, I took my way. As to the fire to love like blood transfusion, injection, so that the wood fire burned more prosperous, let love in the height of skeletal dream crackling. From the golden touch to create in the gut, I see you, have been pushed into gold, on my tombstone deactivation shine.

You can't from the thick of peach tree in escape, interspersed in the beauty of the peach blossom, you like in the transparent rain, to grab the transparent beauty of love, like the Crystal hanging in the window of your dream, you saw thrush like figure, graceful slim. You like to be captured, climbing in love well. You feel intoxicated like, dreamy aftertaste, and again left you in the dream. All the scenery will be acquired, and you will be acquired by me in love Royal Romance.

Rouqingsishui, heart rate, body temperature and transparent color, like imprinted in my eyes, the hearts of love. Like the candle of love in a dream burning, you Maoruo angel flying, tonight you lovesickness gate always unlatched, anytime, greet me entry. The sails position and the hope of the window like the fragrance of orchids, whereas the rippling in my heart.

Like in front of me, a flower Rhododendron lovingly looked at me, like a pure angel, shy, and panic, your infatuation, there must be something worth your attention, causing you to it's favor and attention. This may is the reason to abandon, even if you are rushed to the edge of the cliff, you this life can not forget ADHD Treatment, that is your deepest most beautiful memory.

The hustle and bustle of the enthusiasm, there will always be by deposition of the day, I quietly think, like I see wine and tears, open my arms and legs like a bat in the night, like, in your naked in the sky flying, flying hong kong restaurant.
( 心情隨筆心情日記 )
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