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Destiny under the turbulent
2015/05/18 11:46:08瀏覽150|回應0|推薦0

Destiny under the turbulent International School Interview Training, ignorant love like water is not looking back.

Love is eternal, letting go is the endpoints.

If the pain, leave is the best healing medicine.

Missing is a cocoon, a nagging thoughts wrapped around himself.

The glance of the crowd, doomed to a life of attachment, once the warmth of the palm like carved in the heart of the memory forever. Hair around eyes obscured light mood, again bright Miniso fireworks in the sky also arrive however you occasionally smile. When you no longer say I miss you, not say that I am you behind the tree, no longer wait for me downstairs. I deeply understand the flesh torn, day to feel.

Long ago someone said to me: after death, the soul is will remember the man whom you once loved. You figure is hidden in the depths of the soul I do not touch the wounds. Occasionally carry a bag when you call out your name Miniso, look back but illusory, the moment of hesitation, as if to see in the distance of fuzzy figure like paint like glue, far turned to me and smile, smile me silly do not cherish the love life Miniso.

Life is like a dream, can't distinguish then really, then, walk in the bustling and depression. God really is fair, not need to cling to retain, be like garbage discarded, let you regret someday ignorance of youth.
( 心情隨筆心情日記 )
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