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crazy guarding a wordless ending
2015/05/20 15:30:45瀏覽263|回應0|推薦0
Always a emotion and confusion, the meticulous care why become dust scattered, is cant afford to bear the years vicissitudes of life, or withstand time polishing? The stone inscription of handwriting, why only missing you and me? The chapter Is it right? A quality suggestive of poetry or painting went on, became sad writing. Often meditation has been is his lack of warmth, was not good enough, or emotional too fragile, stood a little wind and rain will be aborted. And we did not give the years a grip, a play apart to play, but became a bystander Dream beauty pro hard sell.

The distance between the heart and the heart is far, and why is there always a position that cant see each other. What is the end of the world, and so simple, a gap of the barrier, will eventually become unable to ferry bank. Time gradually old, so memory can air dry? Those who inadvertently spliced pictures, who touch the pain, tearing who is sad. Often interpret all the feelings in the rain, strong rain knocked on the window, slip all shook a heartache. The rain is intertwined with disturbing thoughts, twisted into a knot. I would like to open the window rushed to the rain, the baptism of reinforcement, rain washed all the heart, peeling off all alone.

Often feel unwilling, a random encounter unexpectedly so deep-rooted, if all the wounds are too persistent, do not know how to free and easy to let go of, then who is going to appease the time lost? Always be in doubt, whether the years has failed me, or I drag the years? Otherwise, why get out of their own mess up? Always silent in a paragraph of text reading, looking for sections of the same mood, but found that all statements are expressed profound enough. Also had the night pen graffiti the original contour, but again was sad infection, originally a persons dialogue is so humble, no audience monologue is so pale and weak.

A total of love with life to play the full, then how to the director of a perfect outcome? There is no time, we have lost the endurance, in a variety of evolution into each other. As the memory can not be closed the gate, pouring at the midnight lonely, sad tentacle is stretched, ruthless in the lonely tore at night. After the meteor across, full of words how to pour out. In the middle of the night, can you have the same loss as you can. The moment can the meteor fall of a flash memory?

Gradually learned to camouflage, shuttle in the hustle and bustle of the earthly smile wrapped himself, but always cant cover up the sadness of the Mou light. If smile is the good medicine to cover up the sad, I am not always looking for the reason for the happiness. Facing the often appearing the trend, always told myself not too stubborn, Zibianziyan one-man show will not get any relief, always trying to resolve full of faint melancholy heart, but how also can not find an excuse for forgetting.

Often times and silence in a corner of the count, time watching the misty rain drifting in the shrubbery, and have understood the solitude of the sky? Stay far fetched but ultimately cant catch that a gentle. There are so many of the world for a copy of unwillingness, Heartbeat DEDECATES, but lost in the past. Total think, if not the gorgeous encounter, and you are still you, I or me, then each other not lived a comfortable life, waiting for a simple. If you give us a meet, then the possibility of throwing the bustling everywhere, picked up the fragments into the spring stunning.

I thought in the bloom of the season, will be filled with sleeve, can a persons fragrance can perform two persons romance. The flowers blooming everywhere, bees and butterflies young, more with a miss. I look at each other and thickening rings in a tree, the scenery, but was swaying into a willow branch of lean. Old time, night and day alternate non-stop, busy and I chose to cover up the inner emptiness. When the night falls, and stars of language, but ignore the scattered in the moonlight, reflected in a pool of round Qingying as full of loneliness, it turns out, and I like the wind and dust on the silent black and white, crazy guarding a wordless ending.
( 心情隨筆心情日記 )
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