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Love is light
2015/05/12 17:09:47瀏覽131|回應0|推薦0

If love, please love deeply; If abandon mask house, please thoroughly! Don't ambiguity, cuts hurt yourself!

Alone on a window, I cool night reading a book in the spring. Chanced upon white falls mei this passage: "in the green years, we have to love warmly. Longitudinal will let oneself scarred, longitudinal short everything is gone, regret ever. Also when no one can do it in the ruins of youth is cool, if the chemistry between people get along with, and no process of heyday? People in jianghu, when fresh garment NuMa, bright every day. Do you want to do, love oneself to love people, don't ask, don't right or wrong, no matter the result." Can really? Also want to love like this one.

Only the world, flooding is desire, is not love. The nature of love, it is trouble and sorrow, need to trust each other to caress. Love is selfish, can't share, more love more care about, when your heart becomes smaller than the needle, it must be in love, what is crazy for love? Like I said I love you, love, is the heart in heart, to affection NuanQing. Each other's heart, is same, in the heart moist is precious life. Slowly out of the window, so silent, missing, in the flat line poem chapter of words, the central sea of memory, and create ripples, only with beautiful scenery, scattered in the end of the world mask house.

We often in the deep love, does not grasp the good opportunity, often in the front of the person love, too care about their feelings, while ignoring others. Still stubborn think you are right, love life, perhaps is not reasonable place, but about love. But truth who all understand, when the real problem, it is often forgotten these truths. Accompanied by love, is in each other's heart, a paragraph of text, a cherish, will be deep memory in mind, this is the dependence of the soul, is always perseveres in the life intersection.

Dissension in the world, too much enmity, in the face of all, don't need to entwine, things change, this is uncertain. Who also could not prevent the replacement of the four seasons, time of dispersed, since love is mask house to let it go, let go of the past, closed vanity doors, lets the worry be far away from. Wasn't there a saying goes: love in the wind volume tide, ruthless send tide. Things in life, is like a boat, like a sudden tide again. I'm going home!, I belong to? So, enron a give up, stick to a shrug. Perhaps a sigh, life is also a figure, a continuation of a dream. Happiness, in fact has been around, you just have been forgotten.

Love is light, not jing not faze each other's world; Love is static, to know each other heart is the most warm induction. Who love you, understand you, understand your tears; The people who love you, hurt your heart, your pain, that is the perfect life into another life drama. Living life, short life extremely precious and passing clouds to release in time, you, there is no reason to shall, if the love is gone, and the next flower. Since there are some things can't stay, please don't be humble, who can keep a romantic Yu Yongyuan? Don't need to care, love, just have a process, the end of the life or naked, naked.
( 心情隨筆心情日記 )
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