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2009/06/16 07:19:56瀏覽1279|回應3|推薦8 | |
(北航.向永夜 中文封面) 若不是出色的翻譯, 不可能將"北航向永夜"一口氣看完。依以往的印象, 翻譯作品讀來多詰屈鰲牙, 不知所云。 (余光中譯的梵谷傳是記得的一本大例外)。 這類探險書籍, 涉及廣泛, 舉凡地理, 生物, 氣候, 航海, 船身裡外結構 等等。 譯者黃秀如(目前, 似任職於左岸文化出版社)譯得十分賣力, 通順、流暢而且口語化。 還多了原書所沒有的不少註解, 好似她親身經歷了這一場北極探險。 原書每一章前, 都引用了一則短短的詩或散文, 譯得尤其優美。 將此記下, 給我自己, 也給網友。 一。 流浪的旅人: 弗羅里達海峽, 一九九二年四月, 白晝十二小時 “要成為一個完整的人, 代價很高。。。。必須先放棄對安全感的追求, 以雙臂迎向生存的風險; 必須擁抱世界宛如所愛的人, 還不求其回報; 必須接受痛苦乃存在所不能免; 必須自陷於疑問與黑暗之中, 以作為求知的代價; 必須在面對衝突時, 意志堅定不移, 甚且勇於全盤接受生存和死亡帶來的所有後果。” 莫利斯。衛斯特(Morris West)《漁夫的鞋》(The Shoes of the Fisherman) 二。 最後的五月天 : 威斯特礁。弗羅里達, 一九九二年四月, 白晝十三小時 “投身之前, 難免猶豫, 考慮退縮、置身事外, 然而所有進取、創造性的行動都藴含 一個基本的真理, 忽略此一真理, 將扼殺無數的創意與雄圖壯志: 一旦決定從此投身, 天意隨之而至, 種種機緣相伴發生, 以促成 非由此無以成真的奇事。 一連串事件肇始於此決定, 有如天助, 各式難以預見的事情、 巧遇、物質助力等等, 無人能夢想, 卻轉眼出現。 只要能力所及, 甚或夢想所及, 就著手實行吧! 勇氣之中自有天賦、力量與神能。 ” 歌德《浮士德》 (Goethe's Faust) 三。 跨進北極圈 : 康登, 緬因州, 一九九四年六月, 白晝十五小時 “旅程一旦規畫妥當, 裝備齊全, 於付諸實行之際, 一個新的因素就介入而主導。 一趟旅行、狩獵或探險, 不同於所有其他的旅程, 都是個別的實體, 有自己的性格、脾氣, 與眾不同、 無可替代。 旅程本身就像人一樣, 沒有兩個是相像的, 而且所有的計畫、保全、警察戒護、高壓統治, 終歸於徒然。 多年的努力之後, 我們發現, 不是我們得到了旅行, 而是旅行得到了我們。” 約翰。史坦貝克 (John Steinbeck) 《史坦貝克攜犬旅行》(Travels with Charley) 四。 尋找未知地 : 梅爾維爾灣, 一九九四年八月, 白晝二十小時 “眼前同時起霧下雪, 變得超乎尋常的冷, 似桅桿高度的巨冰, 迎面浮掠而過, 如綠寶石般青光閃閃。” 柯立芝(Samual Taylor Coleridge) 《古舟子詠》 (Rime of the Ancient Mariner) 五。 生離死別 : 泰灣, 一九九四年九月, 白晝十四小時 “人所能感受到的最美妙的經驗就是神祕。 所有真藝術、真科學皆發源於斯。 那些不識箇中滋味者, 不復凜其奧妙而駐足讚歎、心蕩神馳的人, 雖生猶死, 其雙目已然閉闔。” 愛因斯坦(Albert Einstein) 六。 獨自過冬 : 泰灣, 一九九四年十月, 白晝六小時 “過去你所在之處, 如今在世上成了一個空洞, 白晝間我不時在其四周徘徊, 到了夜裡就墜入其中。” 艾德娜。米萊 (Edna St. Vincent Millay) 七。 太陽永不升起 : 泰灣, 一九九四年十一月, 永夜 “攜光入暗僅識其光, 欲識其暗者, 守其暗。 勿圖其明, 方知暗中亦有花香鳥語, 有暗足暗翅出入其間。” 溫黛爾。貝利(Wendell Berry) 《認識黑暗》 (To know the Dark) 八。 孤寒交迫 : 泰灣, 一九九四年十二月, 永夜 “有一天你會走離日常所經的路線, 也許會找到你自己。。。。就在你靈魂的洞穴之前, ‘我敢進去嗎?’你自問:‘裡面會有什麼呢?’ 打定主意之後, 最好檢查一下你的裝備, 到了裡面, 平常的探穴用具可能完全失靈, 凡間一般光源無法穿透黑暗。 麻繩也不能標示路徑。。。。。 以愛為食物, 信仰為燈, 把安全置之度外, 如此你才會從內在洞穴的旅程中平安歸來, 那裡孕育了心靈永恆無意識的靜流之泉, 如果你有勇氣, 如果你有時間, 去探究你的精神世界, 不再畫地自限。” 查爾斯。威金斯(Charles Wiggins) 《生命中的夢》 (Dreams of Life) 九。 冰雪中過聖誕 : 泰灣, 一九九四年十二月二十五日, 永夜 “我們在記憶裡是富足的。 我們戳破了事物外層的虛飾。 我們曾受苦受餓, 卻克服了; 曾經跪倒, 卻牢牢抓住光榮不放, 在整體的大我中更加成長茁壯; 我們曾經目睹上帝的輝煌, 聽到自然啓示的信息。 我們曾經觸及人赤裸裸的靈魂。” 歐尼斯。謝克頓 (Earnest Shackleton) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Without the neat and elegant translation, nearly for sure, I could not finish reading the whole book in patience. Based on the past experience of reading the Chinese edition of Western works, I have to say most of the translation fail attract my attention, cause the translation language read like Chinese characters connected in English grammar, very hard to read. (Van Gogh written by Irving Stone, translated by Literature Master, Mr. Yu Kuang-Zhong, is the only one big exception as I can recall now.) The expedition books like North to the Night evolve of big volume of knowledge, such as geography, biology, climate, sea sailing, the mechanical structure of the boat...etc. The translator of North to the Night, Ms. Huang Xiu-Ru, as I can tell by reading both English and Chinese edition, has been working very hard on this project. The Chinese edition is fluent to read, close to the structure of Chinese written language, like Ms. Huang had been through the same Arctic expedition herself. Besides, there are many annotations added after each chapters in the Chinese version. Especially worthwhile to mention, in my opinion, are the beautiful, superior translations of the short poem or prose in the head of each chapter. I would like to copy below, for myself, as well as for all the web friends. ONE. Straits of Florida, APRIL 1992, 12 HOURS DAYLIGHT "It costs so much to be a full human being..... One has to abandon altogether the search for security, and reach out to the risk of living with both arms. One has to embrace the world like a lover, and yet demand no easy return of love. One has to accept pain as a condition of existence. One has to court doubt and darkness as the cost of knowing. One needs a will stubborn in conflict, but apt always to total acceptance of every consequence of living and dying." -- Morris West. The shoes of the Fisherman TWO. Key West, Florida, APRIL 1992, 13 HOURS DAYLIGHT "Until one is committed, there is hesitancy, the chance to draw back, always ineffectiveness. Concerning all acts of initiative and creation there is one elementary truth, the ignorance of which kills countless ideas and splendid plans: That the moment one definitely commits oneself, then Providence moves too. All sorts of things occur to help one that would never otherwise have occurred. A whole stream of events issue from the decision, raising in one's favour all manner of unforeseen incidents and meetings and material assistance, which no man could have dreamed would have come his way. Whatever you can do or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power and magic in it." -- Goethe's Faust THREE. Camden, Maine, JUNE 1994, 15 HOURS DAYLIGHT "Once a journey is designed, equipped, and put in process, a new factor enters and takes over. A trip, a safari, an exploration, is an entity, different from all other journeys. It has personality, temperament, individuality, uniqueness. A journey is a person in itself; no two are alike. And all plans, safeguards, policing, and coercion are fruitless. We find after years of struggle that we do not take a trip; a trip takes us." -- John Steinbeck, Travels with Charley FOUR. Melville Bay, AUGUST 1994, 20 HOURS DAYLIGHT "And now there came both mist and snow, And it grew wondrous cold: And ice, mast-high, came floating by, As green as emerald." -- Samuel Taylor Coleridge, Rime of the Ancient Mariner FIVE. Tay Bay, SEPTEMBER 1994, 14 HOURS DAYLIGHT "The most beautiful thing one can experience is the mysterious. It is the source of all true art and science. He to whom this reaction is a strangeer -- Who no longer can pause to wonder and stand rapt in awe -- is as good as dead, his eyes are closed." -- Albert Einstein SIX. Tay Bay, OCTOBER 1994, 6 HOURS DAYLIGHT "Where you used to be, there is a hole in the world, which I find myself constantly walking around in the daytime, and falling into at night." -- Edna St. Vincent Millay SEVEN. Tay Bay, NOVEMBER 1994, ZERO HOURS DAYLIGHT "To go into the dark with a light is to know the light. To know the dark, go dark. Go without sight, And find that the dark too blooms and sings And is traveled by dark feet and dark wings." -- Wendell Berry, "To Know the Dark" EIGHT. Tay Bay, DECEMBER 1994, ZERO HOURS DAYLIGHT "Someday should you wander away from the beaten path You might chance to find your Self....before the cavern of your soul "Dare I enter?" You ask yourself, "What might I find therein?" Once decided, then best look to your supplies The usual spelunking gear will do no good inside Mortal lights won't pierce the dark. Hemp rope will serve no guide.... Take love for food, and faith for light, and leave security behind For only then will you safely return, from your journey to the inner caves That births the wellspring of the silent stream of eternal unconsciousness mind.... If you have the courage, and if you have the time To go spelunking spiritual, without any line." -- Charles Wiggins, Dreams of Life (unpublished) NINE. Tay Bay, DECEMBER 25, 1994, ZERO HOURS DAYLIGHT "In memories we were rich. We had pierced the veneer of outside things. We had suffered, starved, and triumphed. groveled yet grasped at glory, grown bigger in the bigness of the whole. We had seen God in his splendors, heard the text that nature renders. We had reached the naked soul of Man." -- Ernest Shackleton |
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