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Marti Foster(二), 人山人海的瑜珈課 。 The yoga class with no place to step on
2009/05/22 02:49:55瀏覽696|回應3|推薦5

Marti不但是瑜珈老師, 還是個一流的心理催眠師。 經過一天”戰鬥“的上班族, 來到她跟前, 個個都成了中了魔咒的小綿羊。Marti 教的是 Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga, 有極強的韻律感, 配合悠長起伏的呼吸, 全身關節肌肉的伸展, 放鬆效果極佳。 坐在那一襲厚又柔軟的綿織毯上, 不管難度多高, Marti 輕鬆自如地示範解說每一個動作(Asana), 中氣十足。 上過她課的學生, 一定都同意, 去哪兒能看到那麼賞心悅目的畫面。 當然咯, 半年後的教室, 人山人海。

每堂課, Marti 總會放一些”奇奇怪怪“的音樂, 後來一想, 北加州不曾是嬉皮的大本營嗎, 多少有創意的音樂人住在舊金山附近, New Age Music 不也起源於加州? 只是這類音樂聽多了, 像吸了大麻, 腳踩在雲端一般, 世界愈看愈奇怪。

當音樂和呼吸融為一體, 當體內真氣鼓盪, 當思想的腦慢慢止息, 會聽到一些頗富哲理的話從Marti的口中傳出,。。。。“I am only here to awaken your own energy”, “ your body has its own memory”, 。。。。

本人從來是科學的信徒, 但有些女人好像真的是“巫術”高強。

人的腦除了思考、 邏輯, 深藏著的直覺, 情緒, 似乎一樣不可預測, 難以捉摸。

Marti is not only the Yoga teacher, but also a hypnosis master. All the office men/ladies fighting whole days in job turn out like lambs under the spell in front of her.

Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga Marti teaches is like dancing movement, connected in a series of
asana, very rhythmic, along with deep long breath, inhale, exhale, inhale, exhale, fighting up, letting go, fighting up, letting go.....the joint, junction and muscle everywhere in the whole body can be stretched, stretched unlimitedly, depend on your flexibility. Afterwards, your body is full of prana(chi, energy), in a deep deep relaxed state ever experienced before. At the moment, it's like time go still at one point, can last forever, nothing can disturb you any more, nothing, I mean.

Sitting in a cotton wool, hand-weaved soft blanket, Marti demonstrates every asana, step by step, calmly, easily like piece of cake, no matter how stunningly technically difficult in the eye of others. Everyone in class could agree, where to find such attractive scenes in Silicon Valley, well again, like a cake or pie.
 After around half year, the studio becomes more and more crowded, to a degree like no place to step on your foot if you're late a minute. Several times, Marti herself walked in, looked in stun.

Every class is like her creative moment; she brings all genres of music that she seems tailor for students in an improvised way. She sings, she hums, she chants, along with the themes. the musics theme sounds exotic to me. But later, I figure out, here is the San Francisco Bay Area, where the Hippie celebrate together not too long ago, where the
 New Age Music originates in, I remember. Even til today, many talented musicians in the famous recording studios living in the Marine county, north of SF, being a very productive, creative life. Just the more similar music one listens, the more "sunk-in" one becomes like lost in the smoke of marijuana, floating in the mist of cloud, don't know where, when, how. It is a delirious experience near ecstasy.

When the music melt into the breath, when the internal chi comes and goes strongly deep long like ocean wave, when the rational mind is in total stillness, the time and the space stop, the light on the other end of the tunnel seem in near......"I am here to awaken your own energy",  "your body has its own memory".....Marti's voice floats in the air, like from a far far distance in another dimension.

I have to say, I am a follower of science since 10 year old. But something seems not able to be explained by what I have learned, and some women carry certain unbelievable psychic power which, for men, is hard to realize.

I am still exploring today, wandering around on the edge of that mystic unknown where the logic, math find no entry, yet.

( 在地生活北美 )
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the dreamer girl
2015/11/02 10:56





the dreamer girl~~ 最新作品:

義大利- 菲拉拉(Ferrara)

BinH(waysfu) 於 2015-11-04 08:59 回覆:
重讀舊文,勾起不少陣年往事。自己都驚訝當時怎麼會被催眠,進入深層意識至此;離開灣區,再也沒碰過 Telepathy 能耐高強像 Marti 又能催眠人的 Yoga Mentor。即使現在走入她的教室,恐怕也達不到那裏。不過,話又說回來,就算到了,接下來呢?似乎也無止無盡,脫離眼前現實世界,又要到哪裡去?又什麼是 Reality?和物理一樣,人的consciousness也是無邊無際的。。卻測量不到、觀察不盡。。生命世界和無生命世界,像謎難解。

Marti's facebook
2010/07/14 07:03
Wild Cat

"I'm a gypsy of the wild heart. I adore the life I've designed as a teacher of Yoga, Women's Health Educator, Mentor and dedicated adventurer of the Tantric Arts. For those familiar with India's beloved goddesses, I am a blend of Durga, Parvati and Kali.
Journeys with me are unforgettable. What speaks to your wild heart?"

Kokopelli…… 靈,巫師,守護神,流浪歌手,弄笛祈雨者。

^ ^
2009/05/23 18:18

Lucky you to have a Yoga instructor like Marti Foster!!