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2009/07/17 03:14:40瀏覽676|回應5|推薦19 | |
Samantha 是我遇到的第二位瑜珈老師。 年紀輕輕, 看上去二十左右。 從她舊金山灣區電話區域號碼(415)看來, 家住北灣。 約五尺五寸高, 乾乾淨淨, 清清爽爽, 聲音還帶有甜甜的少女腔。 俏麗褐色短髮下, 有張娃娃臉, 轉動著一雙靈活有神的清澈大眼。 和 Marti 熱鬧騰騰的上課氣氛相比, Samantha的瑜珈, 像陣徐徐夏日和風, 能將人鎮日的疲勞, 吹拂得漸去漸遠。 Samantha 年紀雖輕, 瑜珈齡可不輕, 總有十年以上。 做起瑜珈動作, 一點都不含糊。 該示範的動作, 一樣不少, 輕輕鬆鬆。 輕盈的體態, 像隻春天四處舞動的蜻蜓。 某日下課後, 待走到停車場, 才發現衣服遺留在瑜珈教室。 折返教室, 正待推門入內, 隔著玻璃門側望, 空蕩蕩的教室前方一團蠕動的身影, 驚得我下巴幾乎脫落。 Samantha 像條蛇一般地 時鬆時緊地 時快時慢地 滿地滿牆地 任意攀爬, 全身三百六十處關節, 二百零六塊骨頭, 鬆軟的彷彿可以通通打散, 重新排列組合。 輕靈開合的軀體, 給人一種隨時要穿窗而去的錯覺。 http://www.samanthaostergaard.com/index.html 媽啊,這位 Samantha 的先生竟然是個洋和尚,Robert Thomas 。而且一起住在 San Francisco Zen Center。 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Samantha, the second Yoga teacher I met in the Bay area, looks young and pleasant, around 20s. After years work in Northern California, one can develop a intuitive sense, knowing who's from what area like Silicon valley, San Francisco, Berkeley, Marine county.... Samantha is definitely from the Yuppie North Bay area. Later on, she gave me her number with area code starting with (415), I know it is right. She is a brunette (maybe by dying, who knows?) about 5 feet 5 , looks neat and clean, carrying the tone of sweetness as honey, and matching her age quite well. Under her short cut hair, a pair of clear eyes go transparent, lively on her still fresh baby face. Compared with the dramatic scene by Marti, Samantha's class is like the light breeze blew from the open ocean in the summer, can uplift your spirit and remove all your fatigue all day long in the hectic office. |
( 在地生活|北美 ) |