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2010/03/25 21:47:00瀏覽874|回應0|推薦0 | |
重症病人之共同照護體現 Demonstration of Combine Care for Patients in Critical 王國新、廖為博 羅東聖母醫院急重症科 Background In the past few years, personal performance fee (PPF) was appraised and endeavored nearly all over the country. It really helped some hospitals to improve their management. However, a lot of medic-legal problem followed especially when complicated case was confronted. Combine care system was offered recently and its effect necessitated evaluation. Method Two old patients were transferred into ICU due to critical condition. Although their diagnosis was definite, the treatment decision was variable among doctors of each ward. As a coordinator of combine care, critical medicine physician performed his social technique to help each sub-specialist to do his job properly. Finally both of the patients received appropriate treatment including operation. Case report 1: Gastric bleeding with hypovolemic shock Case report 2: DKA with acute abdomen Results We applied two caases to show how to coordinate doctors of each ward for critical and complicated condition. There is certainly no absolutely perfect solution in treatment. With discussion and cooperation, we finally treat these patients with conclusion acceptable to doctors of each ward, including patients’ families of course. Conclusion 1. As a coordinator of combine care, critical medicine physician should be more flexible 2. Never depend on one man show only, second opinion is appreciated 3. If there is no sufficient human resource, even transfer may be a better choice 4. Adhere to experience, evidence and guideline then choose the best 5. Respect professional opinion of each 6. Patient-centered 7. The responsibility should be shared by all,includes families 8. PPF necessitates further modification 發表形式:(務必填寫) □ 限口頭報告,不接受海報發表 □ 限海報發表,不接受口頭報告 V口頭報告或海報發表均可 ※ 請依照投稿規定及字數限制,只接受未曾刊登於國內外期刊或從未於國內其他醫學會議發表之原著論文,截稿日期: 請將檔案E-mail至:maywu@sem.org.tw (主旨請務必註明:投稿2008年會學術研討會論文--姓名、單位及論文摘要)。學會收到後,將於兩天內回覆,若無,請來電詢問。 說 明 ← 請預留編號 ← 中文標題 (標楷體11號粗體) ← 英文標題 (Arial 10號粗體) ← 中文作者 (新細明體10號) ← 中文單位 (新細明體10號) ← 中文(標楷體10號)或英文內文(Times New Roman 10號);依 Background(背景)、Objective(目的)、Methods(方法)、Results(結果)、Conclusion(結論)之順序,單行間距。 (字數之限制:若以英文為主,全部總字數不可超過350字;若以中文投稿總字數不可超過700字) (以下各欄「務必」填寫,以避免因聯繫困難,以致無法接受投稿) |
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