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Culture Shock????
2011/03/05 16:02:30瀏覽974|回應0|推薦0

附註: 讀者激烈反應後的一星期, 還是沒道歉, 掛了兩篇回應搪塞.

Linsey Craig 的回應


Mark Twain: "Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry, and narrow-mindedness"
(馬克吐溫: 對偏狹傲慢自大的人而言, 旅途永遠是場災難)

Culture shock? I'm shocked by such ignorance.


How ironic .......This is how Lindsey Craig thinks of herself on her website: http://lindseycraig.com/about/

Lindsey Craig is…

a passionate traveller. --> 蛤?
an experienced journalist. --> 蛤蛤??
a sports and fitness buff.
a student of language and culture. --> 蛤蛤蛤 ???

As her passport demonstrates, travelling is Lindsey’s passion.

She’s lived, studied and worked all over the world. A semester in Paris, a reporting gig in London, a teaching job in Taiwan. And those are just a few. (--> Taiwan 已被她改為 Asia)

She’s been canyoning in Switzerland, parasailing in France.

She’s stood in the gas chambers of a former Nazi concentration camp, and in the house where Anne Frank hid.
(-->她看見了什麼??? 她看見偏狹的危險嗎?? 她讀懂 看見 Anne Frank了嗎?? Little girl Anne was locked with her spirit flying; big lady LC was flying with her soul locked.)

She’s lived with five different exchange families in three different countries. Slept in a mud hut, a treehouse, and a multi-million dollar “farmhouse” owned by a Pink Floyd producer.

“Travelling isn’t about sitting on a beach with an all-inclusive bracelet,” she said. “It’s about venturing into the unknown, seeing the world from a different perspective.
--> 這段好笑, 已被她自己刪除

我看不見上述任何特質在她的文章裏, 不要告訴我, 她是 CBC 的記者. (update: 現為 CTV Montreal 記者)

最糟糕的是該報主編, 竟然刊載這樣偏頗不成熟的東西 - The Gazette, Montreal

( 不分類不分類 )
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