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And imagination is the most completed freedom.
2010/04/07 16:35:36瀏覽221|回應0|推薦1

When I want to take a trip, I pick up my backpack and start my trip.

When I want to dance, every place I stand is my dancing platform.

When I want to love, every person around is my lover.

When I want to sing, every creature is my audience.


I am my own boss.

I am in charge of my life.


It is the moment when I have the greatest power.

The universe helps me and responds my requirement.


Be myself is the only reason to live my life.


I am the creator of my life.

I will live out the best version of my life.


 I am full of imagination


And imagination is the most completed freedom.

( 創作詩詞 )
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