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台灣高等教育的business focus是什麼
2012/07/24 14:39:09瀏覽182|回應0|推薦2

有一天我好奇問台灣哪裡找得到高等教育的目標、策略、... 有這種東西嗎?每個大學有設定這種東西嗎?有沒有什麼角色的人許願過我們為什麼要有高等教育?

結果,實在是太好奇了 ~~~ 進去教育部高教司網站逛 http://www.edu.tw/high/index.aspx 但是我能力不好,找不到,整個網站看起來是政令碎片。

想到雖然不能這樣比較,不過還是節錄我在讀澳洲人的EA presentation裡提到的話

Purposes of higher education in Australia (Commonwealth Government)

  • inspire and enable individuals to develop their capabilities to the highest potential;
  • enable individuals to learn throughout their lives (for personal growth and fulfilment, for effective participation in the workforce and for constructive contributions to society);
  • advance knowledge and understanding;
  • enable individuals to adapt and learn, consistent with the needs of an adaptable knowledge-based economy at local, regional and national levels; and
  • contribute to a democratic, civilised society and promote the tolerance and debate that underpins it.
  • aid the application of knowledge and understanding to the benefit of the economy and society;


“Universities are not businesses but nevertheless manage multi-million dollar budgets. As such they need to be run in a business-like fashion.”

Our Universities: Backing Australia's Future, Commonwealth of Australia, 2003

出處:http://www.canberra.edu.au/ea-symposium/presentations Prof John Dearn - EA Conference Welcome


( 心情隨筆雜記 )
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