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2007/03/17 15:45:59瀏覽4950|回應0|推薦3 | |
廖柏森 http://www.books.com.tw/exep/prod/booksfile.php?item=0010379362 中英句型結構間有一大差異就是修飾詞的位置,中文的修飾詞通常是放在被修飾詞的前面,稱作前置修飾;而英文的修飾詞是放在被修飾詞的前後皆可,但若是較長的修飾詞如片語或子句時則通常是放在後面,稱為後置修飾。因此在翻譯英文時就要把原本是後置修飾詞的情況改為中文的前置修飾詞,這種句型在新聞英文中相當常見。如以下例句: Why does a country that is home to advanced high-tech and manufacturing companies still have about 400 million illiterate people and high unemployment? (Time) 一個擁有先進高科技和製造業公司的國家為什麼仍有約四億的文盲和高失業率? 說明: 英文句中country的修飾詞是後置的關係詞子句that is home to advanced high-tech and manufacturing companies,在中譯時要改為前置修飾詞「一個擁有先進高科技和製造業公司」,再接其所修飾的先行詞「國家」。 Oral cancer has become the most common form of cancer in 口腔癌已經成為台灣25歲到44歲男性罹患最多的癌症。 說明: 英文句中males的修飾詞是後置的過去分詞片語aged between 25 and 44,在中譯時改為前置的「25歲到44歲」以修飾「男性」。 The 81,000-kilomete Trans-Asia Railway Network (TAR) linking 28 countries is being designed not only to drive Asia’s economic development by providing a direct route to 說明: 英文句中Trans-Asia Railway Network (TAR)是由現在分詞片語linking As the new year began, 新年伊始,曼谷彌漫著誰是炸彈案主謀的揣測。 說明:英文句中speculation是由介系詞片語about the masterminds behind the bombings作後置修飾詞,譯成中文時則轉為前置的「誰是炸彈案主謀」修飾「揣測」。 Major events such as advancing from nursery to primary school or parents getting a divorce, for example, can cause children stress. (dap) 舉例而言,從托兒所升到小學或父母離婚等重大事件都會帶給兒童壓力。 說明:英文句中major events是由舉例性質的such as引導同位語advancing from nursery to primary school or parents getting a divorce作後置修飾,譯成中文時則轉為前置的「從托兒所升到小學或父母離婚」修飾「重大事件」。
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