前些時候辦公室組織做了調整,更換老闆的我,座位也需要變動,N年沒有清整的櫃子,也就順手整理了一番...突然看到之前剛結婚時,好友送我的一個掛飾,標題是:Ten Rules for a Happy Marriage (快樂婚姻的10項法則),據說是一對夫妻在慶祝他們結婚50週年時,跟大家分享他們的生活原則,之前收到就是放著而已,現在仔細讀了,真的還蠻有意思的~~~
1. Never both be angry at the same time. (兩個人絕對不在同時間一起生氣!!)
2. Never yell at each other unless the house is on fire. (除非是房子著火了,否則絕不向對方大叫!!)
3. If one of you has to win an argument, let it be your mate. (如果非得有人吵贏,就讓另一半吵贏吧!!)
4. If you must criticize, do it lovingly. (如果你必須批評什麼事情,帶著愛意去批評!!)
5. Never bring up mistakes of the past. (不要再提起過去的錯誤!!)
6. Neglect the whole world rather than each other. (可以忽視整個世界,不能忽視對方!!)
7. Never go to sleep with an argument unsettled. (沒吵完架前,不要跑去睡覺!!)
8. At least once every day say a kind or complimentary word to your life partner. (每天至少對你的人生伴侶說一句體貼的或是讚賞的話!!)
9. When you have done something wrong, admit it and ask for forgiveness. (當你做錯事了,承認錯誤並且請求原諒!!)
10. Remember it takes two to make a quarrel. (記住,吵架是需要兩個人的!!)
看起來,似乎不難...但仔細想想,要做到全部還真的挺難的耶!! 我覺得自己有確實做到的,大概也只有3~4項吧!! 沒關係,我離50週年慶還有遙遠的43年呀!!