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2009/06/29 19:18:34瀏覽1858|回應3|推薦48
引用文章誰讓你心動? 求婚求到台塑牛排 vs. 求到必勝克比薩
猜想本小格的[資深讀者]應該還記得去年小舖開張不久,我追憶學妹FH答應似乎不解風情的義大利裔美籍急診室醫生[碗糕]的求婚 。好巧,今天聯網雜誌區引介一本增進 [性]福的名著,正是當年 [碗糕]追上FH並論及婚嫁時,對於規劃夫妻親密生活,因羞於啟齒,
送了下面這本[極緻愛人養成之道] (在下自行翻譯書名
"How to Be a Great Lover" by Lou Paget, 跟下面出版社譯名差異很大) 給FH,請她用心研讀。

[碗糕]醫生出身於虔誠的浸信會基督教家庭,雖然堅守婚前貞潔,但仍然表現出騎士談戀愛甜蜜蜜的浪漫精神,FH讚美他的吻功一流,也因此折服於[碗糕]證實以唇燃火的功效,最後聲明此文乃純聯想來的回憶,格主從沒跟此書出版社打過交道,本文並不幫此書背書。最後以聖經裡描繪浪漫之愛的代表作<<雅歌>>第一章,來印證親吻跨越國界 膚色,喚醒沉睡的味蕾,拔起限量珍藏版寶瓶的木塞,涓涓汩流出迷醉勝美酒的愛情〔內可忑〕(nectar)瓊獎。
http://images-cdn01.associatedcontent.com/image/A1527/152769/300_152769.jpg Rodin's 1886 The Kiss ( www.associatedcontent.com/article/396611/rodi...): "Two lovers...embrace with radiant energy and kiss forever.  Her left hand wrapped around his neck, she seems almost to be swooning, or to be singing into his mouth.  As he rests his open right hand on her thigh he knows well and adores, he seems to be ready to play her leg as if it were a musical instrument.  Enveloped in each other, glued together by touch at their shoulder, hand, leg, hip, and chest, they seal their fate and close it with the stoppers of their mouths..." written by Diane Ackerman
摘譯: 這對情侶如膠似漆,彼此貼緊肩胸手腿臀,雙唇以蜜吻封住天注定的良緣。此圖拍攝法國名藝術家羅丹的銅雕像〔吻〕

1 所羅門的歌、是歌中的雅歌。

2 願他用口與我親嘴.因你的愛情比酒更美。

3 你的膏油馨香.你的名如同倒出來的香膏.所以眾童女都愛你。

4 願你吸引我、我們就快跑跟隨你.王帶我進了內室.我們必因你歡喜快樂.我們要稱讚你的愛情、勝似稱讚美酒.他們愛你是理所當然的

5 耶路撒冷 的眾女子阿、我雖然黑、卻是秀美、如同基達的帳棚、好像所羅門的幔子。

6 不要因日頭把我曬黑了、就輕看我。我同母的弟兄向我發怒.他們使我看守葡萄園、我自己的葡萄園、卻沒有看守。

7 我心所愛的阿、求你告訴我你在何處牧羊、晌午在何處使羊歇臥.我何必在你同伴的羊群旁邊、好像蒙著臉的人呢。

8 你這女子中極美麗的、你若不知道、只管跟隨羊群的腳蹤去、把你的山羊羔、牧放在牧人帳棚的旁邊

Rodin, Auguste - "Le Baiser (The Kiss)" - (1881-1898)

Bronze - Jardin des Tuileries, Louvre, Paris

- Image Copyright © www.amour.ro/sculptures/

- Artists Rights Society (ARS), New York


www.amour.ro/sculptures/ - Auguste Rodin


     Auguste Rodin   - 'Le Baiser  (The Kiss)'  (1881-1898)   
            Bronze - Jardin des Tuileries, Louvre, Paris

August Rodin, French - (1840-1917) Rodin has been appreciated for decades as one of the pre-eminent
Realist sculptor
s of the late nineteenth- and early twentieth-century.
Rodin's goal, as he put it, was "to
render inner feelings through muscular movement
." He achieved
this aim by joining his profound knowledge of anatomy and movement
with special attention to the body's surfaces
, saying, "The
sculptor must learn to reproduce the surface, which means all
that vibrates on the surface, soul, love, passion, life...Sculpture
is thus the art of hollows and mounds, not of smoothness, or
even polished planes
." To this end, his detailed modeling
and energetic poses are strikingly vigorous and lifelike...even
one hundred years after they were created.

The Kiss Sculpture was inspired by Dante'stale of Paolo and Francesca, lovers entwined for eternity in
the Inferno
, this statue was initially part of Rodin's Gates
of Hell. Of the many couples sculpted during his tumultuous liaison
with Camille Claudel,
The Kiss is the most sensuous. The poet
Rilke compared it to "a sun that rises and floods all with
its light."
One of the original castings of Rodin'sThe Kiss resides at The Baltimore Museum of Art. Wrote the poetRainer Maria Rilke of this masterpiece: "One has the impression of seeing the delight of this kiss all over these bodies; it
is like a sun which rises and its light is everywhere." (http://www.vibrationdata.com/Rodin.html) 


【 作 者 】露‧佩姬特(Lou Paget)
作者的文章與觀點也常常出現熱門刊物中,包括英國著名的時尚雜誌《魅力》、《柯夢波丹》雜誌、《紅皮書》雜誌、《花花公子》雜誌。Source: http://mag.udn.com/mag/life/storypage.jsp?f_ART_ID=200613

( 心情隨筆愛戀物語 )
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It's real?
2009/07/01 14:19
It's the first time I heard the story of FH.
葡萄+紫晶<義式夜難眠(tiffanygracew) 於 2009-07-01 16:42 回覆:
Hello Dr. Christine,

Certainly, this is a true story told by FH.  Actually, I did hesitate somewhat about writing this part of her anecdote because the subject matter is very private.  If it had not been using fake names, I would not have posted this short story.

I may call you some time later this week.  Thank you for contributing your feedback to my blog.

普希金 酷不停囉
2009/06/30 21:23
普某不才   已漸廢書    肚中惟草(草包)  偶有缪思   輒以歪詩疏志   貽笑大方   愧甚 

普某與家犬  打一電影

猜中了嗎  ?   --->  老人與狗 
葡萄+紫晶<義式夜難眠(tiffanygracew) 於 2009-06-30 23:51 回覆:
普子本將種 腹笥甚豐無畏廢 肚中草書為環保 (學問藏在肚中草裡 節省印成紙張的天然資源)

謬思歪打正著 添為佳話

<<老人與狗>>媲美海明威的<<老人與海>> 您家優質犬可曾跳海? 想必牠游泳技術高明囉! 名主出高徒也
葡萄+紫晶<義式夜難眠(tiffanygracew) 於 2009-07-01 12:39 回覆:
小女不才  [繆]思 歪寫成 [謬] 思 經才子指正 受教了

普希金 酷不停囉
2009/06/30 12:21
讓我想起國二時工藝課的黏土習作  有一位外號叫秘雕的同學  就模仿這個當他的作品
此人齜牙裂嘴  口涎四溢   是班上少數幾位不需要介紹外號  就可對號入座者  國中青春初動  主題聳動  但老師也給了不錯的分數

我開竅的晚  做了一隻金剛飛拳  被本班禿毛二驢   捉狹改成男性不雅之性徵  眼見就要開天窗   無法交作業  見窗外踱來狼狗一隻  急中生智  乘中午吃飯時間   忙造狗頭雕像一隻   竟唯妙唯俏  得老師讚賞  得班上第三高分

回首狼狗已不知去向  為念其德  乃以黃狗公敬稱至畢業
葡萄+紫晶<義式夜難眠(tiffanygracew) 於 2009-06-30 14:32 回覆:
國中工藝課與家政課培育未來家裡 [工頭] 與 [廚娘 & 裁縫師] ,現在回想執掌課程規劃者用授課薰陶青少年對[男女社會角色] 的期望及培訓相關技能。

想到 [親吻] 如此令人暈眩神馳的雕像出自 其貌可嚇跑鬼 (誇張搞笑的講法) 的 [秘雕]之手

難怪流傳說頭頂毛數越屈指可數 越好男女之道 你班上禿毛二驢對粘土手工藝的造型有此偏好 便不足為奇了

黃狗公有幸路過 化身為您雕塑的Muse謬思 此情只待成追憶 哇 國二就嶄露雕畫藝術的才華 佩服! 多善待你家寵物狗兒 詩興一路長發 延綿不絕唄!